

A run is used to schedule one or more simulations for processing at the same time.

When a run is set up, one or more time varying inputs are specified for use in calculations. Time varying inputs for wet weather could include one or more rainfall events and flow surveys or time series database objects.

Note: Time series databases objects are not available in cloud databases.

The system creates one simulation for each time varying input therefore each run may contain one or more simulations. In addition, if the run includes any scenarios, and for InfoWorks network only, an episode collection, then simulations will also be created for each scenario and/or each episode for all time varying inputs included in the run.

Create a run

To create a run for an InfoWorks network, right-click a Model Group and select New InfoWorksRun from the popup menu. The InfoWorks Schedule Hydraulic Run View is displayed.

To create a run for a SWMM network, right-click a Model Group and select New SWMMSWMM Run from the popup menu. The SWMM Schedule Hydraulic Run View is displayed.

Schedule simulations in a run

To schedule the run:

  1. Specify the parameters in the applicable Run view:
    • InfoWorks Schedule Hydraulic Run View:
      • Enter a run title. If this is left blank, a title will be generated automatically.
      • Select the relevant InfoWorks network and Events or Time Series Database to be run with the simulation.
      • Enter the start time and date for the simulation. The default is 00/00/00 00:00; this is equivalent to the earliest start time in the event data selected. Alternatively enter an absolute date and time.
      • Enter the required finish time or simulation duration, either by specifying an absolute end date and time or by entering a duration relative to the start time and date.
      • Specify other parameters if required.
    • SWMM Schedule Hydraulic Run View:
      • Enter a run title. If this is left blank, a title will be generated automatically.
      • Select the relevant SWMM network and Events or Time Series Database to be run with the simulation.
      • Specify other parameters as required.
      • If you want to specify a specific start time and date for the simulation, you can do so in the Dates page on the Timestep Contol dialog. The default for a new run is the current date, with a time of 00:00 that can be edited as required. You can also specify an end time if applicable. The default for this is one day ahead of the current date, and with the time set to 00:00. Specify other time parameters such as reporting, dry or wet weather timesteps if required. If no parameters are specified, the default ones will be used for this simulation.
      • If you do not want the include the default processes or use the default surcharge method in the simulation, these can be changed in the Options dialog.
  2. Click Run simulations.

    If you are running a simulation for a database whose database version is older than the latest version, the Legacy Database Run dialog may be displayed. It warns you that the latest enhancements to the simulation engine will not be used for running the simulation as they are only available for databases with the latest version.
    Tip: If you want to use the latest engine enhancements, update the database and then run the simulation.
    • Uncheck the Notify me of legacy database runs in future if you do not want this warning appearing every time you run a simulation for an older version of the database.
    • Click OK.

    If your monthly usage for cloud simulations has exceeded its limit, a message is displayed informing you that the quota is exceeded and that the jobs will be run in sequence rather than parallel. Click OK to run the simulations or Cancel to abort the run. See Cloud Simulation Usage for details.

  3. The Schedule Job(s) dialog is now displayed for an on-premise run. It is not displayed for a cloud run.

    In the Schedule Job(s) dialog:

    • Choose the computer, or group of computers, where the simulations are to be performed.
    • Select the location to which results will be saved.
    • Specify the limit on the number of threads to be used by an individual job.
    • Specify the time at which the simulation(s) will be run.
    • Click OK.
    • The on-premise run will be scheduled.

  4. The Download Cloud Results dialog is now displayed for a cloud run. It is not displayed for an on-premise run.
    In the Download Cloud Results dialog:
    • Choose which type results, if any, you want to be automatically downloaded when the simulations are complete.
    • Click OK.
    • The simulations start running.

Run details are displayed in the Job Control window and progress of the current run is displayed in the Job Progress window.

Note: If you are using an Autodesk licence, and access to your licence is lost before the run is complete, the run will stop and the status of the simulations will be set to incomplete.

When the run is finished, the generated simulations will be shown in the Explorer Window under the applicable Run object. See Results for details about viewing simulation results.

The names of the hydraulic simulations generated from the run are in the format XXXXX YYYYY where XXXXX is the name of the scenario (blank for the base scenario), and YYYYY is either the name of a rainfall event/flow survey or 'live data' when using a TSDB. If a simulation has been generated from an episode collection, a number, which corresponds to the order of the episode in the collection, is appended to the name of the simulation in the Explorer Window. Any run that contains both runoff only and hydraulic simulations, the text '_RO' (_Runoff Only) is added to the names of all runoff only simulations in the Explorer Window.

Note: To preserve the integrity of the data after a simulation is run, any time varying events, such as Rainfall or Inflow, or database items, such as Initial conditions or SWMM time patterns, become read-only and therefore cannot be edited.

Rescheduling simulations in a run

To reschedule existing simulations in a run

  1. Open the run. Either drag it into the main window or right-click on the run in the Explorer window and select Open from the popup menu. The InfoWorks or the SWMM Schedule Hydraulic Run View is displayed.
  2. Note: If you are opening an existing run that previously used a scalar or spatial time series database (TSDB), which are not supported in cloud databases, you will be asked if you would like to open the run as a new run without the TSDB. All other applicable parameters from the existing run will be included in the new run.
  3. Click Re-run simulations to re-run the simulations. If you are attempting to re-run a cloud simulation, this button is only enabled for cloud runs with simulations that have failed or whose results are not available.
    • If additional simulations are added to the run (by, for example, adding further rainfall events), the Run simulations button will be displayed, and the additional simulations only will be run. On running the simulations, exclamation marks (!) will be appended to the run title to create a unique name.
    • If any other sort of change is made to the run, such as changing the title of a run, the link with the existing run will be broken and it will have to be treated as a new run. This is true even if the data is changed back to the original value.
    If you are re-running a simulation for a database whose database version is older than the latest version, the Legacy Database Run dialog may be displayed. It warns you that the latest enhancements to the simulation engine will not be used for running the simulation as they are only available for databases with the latest version.
    Tip: If you want to use the latest engine enhancements, update the database and then re-run the simulation.
    • Uncheck the Notify me of legacy database runs in future if you do not want this warning appearing every time you run a simulation for an older version of the database.
    • Click OK.

    If your monthly usage for cloud simulations has exceeded its limit, a message is displayed informing you that the quota is exceeded and that the jobs will be run in sequence rather than parallel. Click OK to run the simulations or Cancel to abort the run. See Cloud Simulation Usage for details.

  4. The Schedule Job(s) dialog is now displayed for an on-premise run. It is not displayed for a cloud run.

    In the Schedule Job(s) dialog:

    • Choose the computer, or group of computers, where the simulations are to be run.
    • Select the location to which results will be saved.
    • Specify the limit on the number of threads to be used by an individual job.
    • Specify the time at which the simulation(s) will be run.
    • Click OK.
    • The on-premise run will be scheduled.

  5. The Download Cloud Results dialog is now displayed for a cloud run. It is not displayed for an on-premise run.
    In the Download Cloud Results dialog:
    • Choose which type results, if any, you want to be automatically downloaded when a simulation is complete.
    • Click OK.
    • The cloud simulations start running.

Run details are displayed in the Job Control Window and the progress of the current run is displayed in the Job Progress Window.

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