
Statistical Reports

Statistical Reports can be generated from the results of one or more simulations. The reports contain summaries relating to selected locations and attributes. The summary data produced includes:

  • Minimum and maximum values (with date and time)
  • Values for up to three user-defined percentiles
  • Exceedance statistics for up to three user-defined thresholds
  • Pass forward flow details (when analysing outfall spills)

Each time a user-defined threshold is exceeded, the exceedance statistics will include the date and time at which the threshold was exceeded, the period for which it was exceeded, the integral over this period and the peak value (with date and time) during this period.

There are options to screen out exceedances with a small total (integral) value or short duration, combine exceedances into one event or to split exceedances into several events. There is also the option to restrict the data from which statistical results are drawn to results which fall within a specified time window, or set of regularly recurring time windows. See the Statistics Templates and Time Windows Dialog topics for more details.

Using Statistical Reports

The most common use of the statistical reports is for analysing outfall spills. The number of spills, spill duration and total volume per spill are among the details reported.

Other uses of the statistical reports include analysis of flooding duration at manholes and runoff volumes from subcatchments. And for InfoWorks networks, statistical reports can also be used to generate episode start and end times when editing an Episode Collection.

Statistics Templates are used to specify the locations and attributes for which summary data is to be produced.

See the Producing Statistical Reports topic for details of generating statistical reports from statistics templates.

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