
3D Manhole Window

This window displays an image of a selected manhole and connecting links as a 3D animation.

To access the 3D Manhole window from the GeoPlan window:

  1. Click 3D manhole pick 3dpick from the GeoPlan Tools toolbar or choose New 3D manhole window from the Window menu to open a 3D window.
  2. Click the node you wish to view. A three-dimensional view of the node is displayed.

You can also use New 3D manhole to open a new 3D window and 3D manhole pick 3dpick to select the node to be viewed.

Moving around the view

The following icons on the 3D Navigation toolbar allow you to move around the window:

Rotate the View about centre

Zoom in or out

(The mouse scroll wheel can also be used to zoom in or out)


Viewing network data

The following icons allow you to view the data for the network objects in the window:


Click this button and then click the 3D window to view the properties for the node or its connected links.

Quick Grid Window

Click this button and hold down CTRL, then click the 3D window. This takes you to the appropriate record on the node or link grid without activating the Object Properties Window.

3D manhole window options

The 3D menu has the following options:


Make the current 3D window the target window. (You can then use 3dpick to select a different node to display in the window.)

View From South

View the node from the south.

Select Node and Links

Select the node and its connected links on the GeoPlan window.

Zoom To Node/Conduit

Right-click the node or a link and select the Zoom option to zoom in. (Only available when you right-click.)


Use the check boxes to switch on or off the display of the Above Ground Volume, Node Construction and Links.

For information on the 3D Manhole Window options for viewing simulation results, see Viewing Replays of a Simulation.

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