
InfoWorks ICM Key Concepts

InfoWorks® ICM is built upon the internationally acclaimed family of InfoWorks products from Innovyze, and is a state-of-the-art, comprehensive, easy-to-use and flexible system for fully integrated catchment / basin modelling and the management of those models. It provides the ability to model the complete natural and engineered above- and below- ground drainage system including sewers, surface water, rivers and floodplains.

The system provides a database for storing model and hydraulic data, with all the tools necessary to create, edit and manage that data. When the model has been created, InfoWorks ICM allows you to simulate the behaviour of the catchment under a range of conditions.

In particular, InfoWorks ICM allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Manage and maintain network models over a long time period rather than just for a particular modelling exercise.
  • Share model data among a workgroup of users with audit trails and security mechanisms designed with the modelling task in mind.
  • Import model data from other systems.
  • View a geographical representation of the network on screen, with the network displayed over the top of a detailed local map, in 2D and 3D, with comprehensive facilities to customise the network appearance.
  • Enter rainfall and other time-series or event data - both recorded and using an extensive library of synthetic rainfall models from around the world.
  • Perform hydraulic simulations to model the effects of a particular linked series of events.
  • Analyse the results using a wide variety of graphical, textual and statistical outputs.

InfoWorks ICM allows you to create and maintain many different models, so that both high-level and detailed reports can be generated.

InfoWorks ICM has a large number of features which take advantage of the increased power of PCs and cloud technology, as well as our ongoing commitment to modelling excellence and experience gathered over InfoWorks' twenty-plus year history:

Modelling features include:

  • River reaches with easy connection to 1D or 2D floodplains
  • Flexible approach to bridge modelling
  • Flood mapping
  • Various runoff methods

Technology features include:

  • Scenario Manager
    • Allows the editing of multiple 'what if' scenarios in parallel with the ability to easily create and delete scenarios, switch between scenarios, change data in one scenario or the base model and compare scenarios.
    • Enables efficient examination of alternative modelling scenarios.
    • User selects which scenarios to analyse, the software automatically runs simulations for all the different scenarios.
    • Real time control (RTC) is fully integrated with this scenario management mechanism, allowing easier modelling of different RTC scenarios.
  • Simulation Server
    • Simulations can be run:
      • on standalone workstations
      • within a Workgroup sharing computer resources
      • within an Enterprise System with dedicated servers and a central store
      • on the cloud
    • Users are able to monitor and control the progress of selected simulations
    • It is possible to re-schedule simulation jobs for on-premise databases in the queue and change their priority.
      Note: This mechanism is more robust when long on-premise simulations are run overnight when the computer network is briefly unavailable for maintenance etc. It is also more suited to Citrix and similar environments.
  • Multi-core processors
    • The 1D and 2D engines exploit multi-core and multi-processor systems
  • GPU (Parallel) 2D Engine
    • Parallel version of the 2D engine, which runs on special NVIDIA computing processors based on graphics card technology, providing the potential for a significant improvement in speed when processing 2D simulations for on-premise databases.

      Note: When using a GPU card for carrying out 2D calculations, it is recommended that the latest available NVIDIA driver for the GPU card is installed.

      When processing 2D simulations for cloud databases, this speed improvement can also be achieved using an instance with a GPU card.

User Interface:

  • Intuitive and easy to use
  • Multi-user version control system
  • Full support for 64-bit operating systems Windows ®10 and Windows ®11
  • Multi GIS platform support (ArcGIS from ESRI and MapXtreme from Precisely).
  • Tree View
    • Recycle bin
    • Flexible grouping structure
  • Enhanced GeoPlan
    • Powerful themes capability with anti-aliasing and transparency support
    • Labels
    • Editing tools
  • Property Editor for network objects, with in-line validation
  • Long Section:
    • Customisation (colours/fonts)
    • River features
    • 3D rendering
  • Tabbed Windows
    • Group dockable windows together
    • Easy switching between views
  • 3D View
    • Display of rivers in 3D
  • Admin functions without the need for an Administrator program
  • Close integration between InfoWorks ICM on-premise databases and InfoAsset Manager asset databases

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