This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoWorks® ICM 2024.4 which were not available in previous versions.
Any feature marked with an asterisk (*) requires a database update to database version 2024.4 in order to access the feature.
Cloud capabilities
This release of InfoWorks ICM builds upon the cloud integration that started in version 2024.0. Learn more here.
ICM Exchange
Cloud simulations can now be started from ICM Exchange.
For further information see ICM Exchange for Autodesk or download the Exchange document.
Shortcut keys
CTRL+M - a shortcut key for the Model
Mesh 2D zones option.
Displays the InfoWorks or SWMM Mesh 2D Zones dialog, which is used to generate mesh elements within currently selected 2D Zones.
- Ctrl+U
- a shortcut key for the Model
Update from ground model option (InfoWorks networks only).
Displays the Update from Ground Model dialog, which is used to update River Line section data, Storage / Pond Node level-area data, Base Linear Structure irregular crest level data, and Bridge Linear Structure irregular invert level data, by sampling the current Ground Model.
And you can now delete selected objects on the GeoPlan using the
Delete key. This is a new shortcut key for the SelectionSelection operations
Delete all selected objects option.
CNSWMM infiltration implementation in InfoWorks simulations *
When calculating infiltration into the pervious part of a subcatchment, different infiltration results were produced for 'identical' models when using a CNSWMM runoff model in an InfoWorks simulation and a Curve Number Model in a SWMM simulation. This was because the SWMM engine (like EPA SWMM5) passes the values for rainfall and run-on separately to the function that calculates infiltration but a combined value of run-on and rainfall was being passed from the SIM engine as rainfall, and a zero value was passed as run-on. When depth was added to the run-on to calculate curve number infiltration, different values were found for the InfoWorks and SWMM models.
This has been changed so that the rainfall and run-on are now passed as separate rainfall and run-on values from the SIM engine to the SWMM code that calculates curve number infiltration, and therefore, the implementation of CNSWMM infiltration in InfoWorks simulations, for database versions 2024.4 and later, now matches the behaviour for curve number infiltration in SWMM simulations.
Changes to "QM trajectory solver failed to converge" log messages
When running a 1D water quality simulation for an InfoWorks networks in older versions of ICM, every time the trajectory solver did not converge in a link, warning 802 would be produced. For example:
Warning 802: 1974-01-03 21:54:00: QM trajectory solver failed to converge at link 100.1, using Forward Euler approximation.
This could result in very large log files.
Now a single warning 1179 is now produced if the trajectory solver failed to converge:
Warning 1179: The QM link trajectory solver was unconverged in one or more links; counts above, if timestep log is active.
If you now run a simulation with timestep log checked on the Diagnostics dialog, a list of links that had convergence failures and the number of failures will be added to the log. For example:
Unconverged QM link trajectory solver counts: 100.1 1429 110.1 1010
The status of the simulation will be completed but with warnings (if no other issues are encountered).
On-demand training
On-demand training is now available. This includes a set of modules with video explanations, where applicable, for each topic covered. It provides additional information to that covered in the Basic Tutorial as well as administrative information such as data storage and sharing, and configuring file locations.
Simulation Results Trace Caching
Simulation results trace caching for on-premise simulations can now be used to improve the performance of graphs and statistics reports, particularly when the results files are stored on a remote shared network drive. Additional results files, which store the data in a way that can be efficiently read for trace results, will be automatically generated by ICM if each agent that runs on-premise simulations is configured to do so. If these additional results are present, ICM will automatically use them for trace retrieval in preference to the main simulation results files (IWR, IWQ and 2DR).
For each IWR, IWQ and 2DR results file, up to two corresponding cached trace files may be generated. One with the suffice T2, which indicates results timestep traces, and the other with the suffix T3 for gauge traces.
Configuration takes place in the Agent Options dialog, which is accessible via the Manage Job Agents dialog, and requires the new IWRTRACECACHEGEN keyword to be specified.
Alternatively, if you want to generate cached trace results files for an existing on-premise simulation but do not want to re-run it, you can manually produce the files using a command line utility. See the Trace Cache Results article in the Knowledge Base for details.