
Customising InfoWorks ICM


You can customise the InfoWorks ICM display.

  • The toolbars can be altered to better suit the way you work
  • Colours used on graphs can be set to make graphs and reports more readable
  • The GIS control can be changed so that you can display additional layers on the GeoPlan window in your chosen format
  • Display units can be changed to suit local needs

Changing the Toolbars

You can alter the InfoWorks ICM toolbars by:

  • removing buttons you do not use
  • changing button position or moving buttons between toolbars to make them more convenient
  • changing the button size
  • docking the toolbars on another edge of the window, or leaving them floating to give a bigger work area

For further information, see Customising the Toolbars.

The Options dialog

The Options dialog allows you to change a number of features of the InfoWorks ICM user interface and the way InfoWorks ICM displays data, including:

  • option to re-open the windows that were open when the application was last closed
  • option to open GIS layers previously displayed on the GeoPlan being opened
  • option to choose the object deletion type
  • option to be asked "Are you sure?" before exiting InfoWorks ICM
  • units used for displayed data
  • the GIS component used to display the network in the GeoPlan Window

The GeoPlan Properties and Themes dialog

The Visual tab controls visual effects on the GeoPlan Window such as:

  • selection colour to highlight all selected objects in a network
  • selection colour to highlight the objects for which properties are bring viewed
  • selection colour used to highlight objects found using the GeoPlan Find dialog
  • hill shading settings emphasising the contours of a ground model displayed on the GeoPlan Window
  • theme visibility settings for the GeoPlan, Thematic Key Window and printouts

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