
On-premise and Cloud Databases

A database provides a flexible hierarchy for managing model data and contains all data including simulation results and ground models.

The following types of databases are available:
  • Workgroup - An on-premise database intended for use by individuals and groups of users. Requires the use of the Workgroup Data Server software, provided by Innovyze, to manage access to these types of databases. The software was designed to improve the performance and reliability of database operations in a workgroup environment. To share the database as part of a workgroup, it must be located on a machine where it can be accessed by all users.

    The following types of on-premise workgroup databases are available:

    • Standard (WorkGroup) Database
    • SQL Server (WorkGroup) Database
    • Oracle (WorkGroup) Database

    SQL Server and Oracle workgroup databases requires your own Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle database installation.

    On-premise workgroup databases are available with an Innovyze or an Autodesk licence.

  • Standalone - An on-premise database intended for use by individual users working on a single PC. This type of on-premise database is only appropriate for use on a standalone machine, and is available with an Innovyze or an Autodesk licence.
  • Cloud - A cloud database intended for use by individual and multiple users. Access to cloud databases is handled by the cloud data service, which is managed by Autodesk. This lets you take advantage of the unlimited storage and increased processing capabilities of the cloud and removes the need to set up and maintain an internal data server that is required for workgroup on-premise databases.

    Cloud databases are stored in hubs which are created using the Info360 Cloud Model Service. Cloud databases can be managed using the dedicated web portal which you can access from the Cloud database management option in the FileDatabase management menu.

    Cloud databases are only available with an Autodesk licence.

When a database is created, local working copies of parts of the data are then made available in each user's Local Folders.

Database identifiers

Each on-premise database has a Unique Database Identifier. When a new database is created, this identifier is generated automatically as a string of letters and numbers taking the form 629810C2-3F6B-11D3-9BF3-00600891B690.

Each cloud database has a Unique Identifier. When a new database is created, this identifier is generated automatically as a string of 26 letters or numbers, eg 01FR0B5XYXVHGTD39BF3VGV6O.

Database versions

Each database has a version number. For example, a database created with version 2023.0 of the software will have a database version of 2023.0. You can choose which version of the database is to be used when you create a database. This can be useful if you collaborate with other users who do not work with the same version of InfoWorks ICM as you.

  • If you work with a database that is older than the version of the software you are using, for example, database version 2023.0 with software version 2023.1, you may not be able to access all the new features that are available in the newer version of InfoWorks ICM. The availability of a new feature depends on whether or not it requires database tables and fields, such as object properties or a database item, that are only available in the newer version of the database, or if there have been other changes that may affect results.
  • You can update an older version of a database to a newer one. This lets you access all the features available in the newer version of the software. However, the updated database cannot be used, by you or any other user, in an older version of the software.
  • You cannot paste data copied from a database which has a newer database version than the database you are pasting to.

The version number of the currently selected database is displayed in the Explorer window.

View database properties

Database properties can be viewed from the Explorer Window.

  • Right-click on the database icon in the tree view in the Explorer Window and select Properties from the context menu to display the About Box.
  • Hover the mouse cursor over the database icon in the tree view to display a tooltip including database path and GUID information.

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