This topic lists the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoWorks® WS Pro Version 2024.5 which were not available in previous versions.
Please note that this new version also includes various bug fixes that are described in detail in the Release Notes.
See Known Issues for a list of limitations that we are aware of.
Model Diagnostics
Simulation diagnostic information for each run’s engine log file is now available in an easier format to review, sort, map, and query. The Diagnostic tables summarize snapshot stability, nodes with the greatest imbalance of flow, unstable or unreliable regulator valves, pump and reservoir operation information, and suppressed demands. Each table can be sorted and used to select and find objects in the GeoPlan, so you can quickly understand spatial context and resolve hydraulic issues.
Diagnostic information summarized from the log file is also joined to the Network when created to enable map themes and SQL Queries. The new fields are prefixed by “Log” in the drop-down menus for Themes and SQL Queries. A factory default theme titled “Run Diagnostics” is included to provide a summary view of unstable regulator valves and nonconvergent nodes.
For detailed information on the tables and fields provided in the diagnostic tables, refer to Diagnostic Tables.
Water Age time varying profile
Water age can now be input as a time varying profile to account for transfer of water between separately modeled networks of an interconnected system.
Demand Area Analysis option to update network demands by scaling existing values
When allocating demands from demand areas to the network, a new option to “Scale existing demands” will preserve the relative weighting between nodes and scale them up or down to match the calculated total for the area. This is useful when applying billed data to the model and some customer points have higher demands than others.
Demand Area Analysis Leakage calculation is now optional
The leakage component of the area water balance can now be omitted to accommodate areas like transmission main areas where the meter uncertainty is relatively high compared with actual demands.
Database folder identifier file
When you create a new database, a text file (DBVER.DAT), which contains the database path and the database version for the new database, is now added to the Working folder and the Results folder, and, if applicable, the Remote Roots folder. If you update a database, the version number will also be updated in the text file. Similarly, if you rename a cloud database, the text file will be updated with the new name.
Network Menu
The Network menu has been consolidated into sub menus to simplify navigation and prevent cases where scrolling is needed to access commands.
Exchange method to import Synergi models
A new method, import_synergi, is included in IExchange to import Synergi models so that conversions can be streamlined in an automated environment.