

Model Group
The model data and results in the on-premise and cloud database are organised into a flexible hierarchy; within the hierarchy the database items are grouped into manageable units. The top level of the database hierarchy is the model group. Each database contains one or more model groups. You may also create additional levels in the database hierarchy by defining subsidiary model groups within a top-level model group.
Thiessen Polygon
Given a number of points within an area (nodes for example), Thiessen Polygons are used to completely divide up the area so that, for each point, there is a polygon whose boundaries define the area that is closer to that point than to any other point.
version controlled item
Version controlled items have an extra level of management within the InfoWorks database. These items can be checked in and out to create a series of versions of the same item. You can also create branches from any version. Only the differences between versions are stored in the database. Version controlled items can be locked to prevent accidental deletion.
Transportable Database
Transportable Databases store copies of some or all the data from an InfoWorks database for transfer purposes.
Current Active Window
The current Active Window in any Microsoft Windows application has a differently coloured title bar to all the other windows. In the default colour scheme, the active window title bar is blue, all other windows have a grey title bar.
Native Units
The default units used within InfoWorks. These are metric units and are used to carry out all underlying calculations within InfoWorks.
User Units
Units used for display purposes. The display units are set up on the Units Page of the Options dialog. InfoWorks converts the displayed values into InfoWorks Native Units for storage and calculation.
CSV files
Comma Separated Variable file format is a standard file format that can be imported and exported by many software packages. Many types of data can be imported and exported using csv format by InfoWorks.
A Globally Unique IDentifier, or GUID, is an automatically generated identifier that is guaranteed to be unique across all systems. It is generated using a complex algorithm based on the date and time and the individual computer's network card ID. GUIDs take the form {629810C2-3F6B-11D3-9BF3-00600891B690} and you will see them in a number of places where uniqueness is essential.
Unique Database Identifier
A unique GUID is used to give a unique ID to every new Database that you create. This ID is then used when creating sub-directories for Database data in both the Local Root and Remote Root directories.
Administration Program
There is a separate InfoWorks Database Administrator program that allows you to carry out additional database management tasks. The Database Administrator program may not be installed on your machine.
An archive allows you to store data for future use. You can add comments to the data stored in the archive and update the archive with any changed data at a later date.
A type of control policy for a pumping station. Pumps operate according to variations in water level in the control reservoir (level controlled pumps) or pressure variations in the control node (pressure controlled pumps).
Monthly charge levelled on Water Company for the permanent Charge provision of power up to the agreed value (kVA).
Bulk Coefficient
The bulk coefficient, kb, is a reaction rate parameter used to calculate the change in concentration of a substance as it reacts with material in the bulk flow. The bulk coefficient has a positive value if the concentration of the substance grows over time, and a negative value if the concentration decays over time.
Calibration (of model)
Fine tuning of various coefficients in the model (example: friction loss coefficient) in order to get as good agreement between the model and the real system as possible.
Check In
Checking In a version controlled item copies your changes back to the Database and makes them available to other users. When you have finished making changes, and want to use the item in a run, it must be checked in.
Check Out
You have to Check Out a version controlled item (such as a network) before you can make changes. Checking Out creates a new version of the item. Use Check Out for on-going development and changes to your core network model.
Check Out and Branch
You have to Check Out a version controlled item (such as a network) before you can make changes. Check Out and Branch creates a new version of the item in a new branch of the tree. Use Check Out and Branch when looking at alternative proposals and doing "What If" analysis.
Residual Chlorine
Stable free residual of chlorine in water for disinfection throughout distribution system.
Colebrook White
Friction factor type.
Control Node
This is a particular point within water supply system where the pressure is measured and monitored back to a PST or a control valve as a control signal.
Control Pipe
This is a particular pipe within water supply system where the flow is measured and monitored back to a control valve as the control signal.
Control Signal
Current value of pressure (in a control point) or flow (in a control pipe) which causes changes in the PST or the control valve according to pre-set rules (see, for example, AUTO control policy).
Control Policy
A set of rules describing the control of a PST or control valve.
Control Valve
A valve within the distribution network which operates according to a given set of rules.
Cos j (power factor)
Ratio between active and total electric power (usually close to 0.90).
Data Flags
You can apply user defined data flags to many parameters within InfoWorks to convey additional information about the parameter, such as the source or reliability of the data.
Database Group
A Database Group can contain one or more database items of the same type.
Database Items
Any item stored in the Database, such as a network. Some Database Items are stored in groups that contain items of the same type.
Database Locking
You can lock version controlled items (such as networks) in the Database to prevent them being deleted. Items can only be locked and unlocked in the InfoWorks Database Administrator program.
Darcy Weisbach
Friction factor type.
Decay Rate
Rate of decrease of a certain variable (usually over time) in semi-logarithmic co-ordinate system.
Telemetry device - for example flowmeter/pressure point.
Flow Controlled Valve.
Float Valve.
Fixed-Head Node
A point within the water supply system where water level/Pressure is time invariant (examples: storage basins, lakes, rivers, large pools and reservoirs).
Fixed-Speed Pump
A pump driven by any motor with constant speed (example: asynchronous electric motor).
FLOW Control
Policy for a PST: its discharge varies in time according to a flow set during Control and Operation.
Pounds sterling (Great Britain Pounds).
GIS Component
The display on the GeoPlan View is based on an embedded GIS component. Currently supported GIS components are MapX from MapInfo, and MapObjects and ArcObjects from ESRI.
Global Preferences
The Options dialog allows you to set several Global Preferences, such as graph colours, that apply to the whole Database. You can copy Global Preferences between Databases using the InfoWorks Database Administrator program.
Hydraulic Grade Line.
Hazen Williams
Friction factor type.
Initial State
The state of the water supply system: flows and pressures in all points of network, active/idle pumps, WL in reservoirs / water tower, opening of all valves, etc. at the start of a simulation run.
JET Database
A database in the correct format for use with the Microsoft JET database engine. This is the format used for Microsoft Access databases.
Level-Controlled Pumps.
Level-Controlled Valve.
Level Controlled Pumps
LCP: the pumps which are switched 'on' or 'off' according to variations of water level in a given reservoir/water tower (Control res./w.tower).
Level Controlled Valve
LCV: valve opening changes according to the variations of water level in a given reservoir/water tower.
Local Root
The Local Root is a directory where local copies of data files are stored. This should ideally be on your own computer to get maximum performance from InfoWorks during data intensive tasks. Use the InfoWorks About Box to find your current Local Root directory.
Megalitres per day.
The data stored in an InfoWorks Database. This data can be shared by more than one user.
Max Power Charge
Charge for the max power used for more than 15 minutes during the current month.
Minimum Night Flow
MNF: average water demand during 'night'; usually between midnight and 7:00 a.m.
Non-Return Valve (also called Check Valve); a device which prevents backflow.
Network Analysis
Mathematical modelling of water supply system.
A point in the water supply system where either pressure (example: reservoir) or inflow/outflow (example: consumer's connection) is known.
On-premise Database
Workgroup and/or standalone database.
Oracle Database
A database stored and managed on an Oracle database server.
Pressure-Controlled Pumps.
Pressure-Controlled Valve.
Pressure Flow Valve.
Pressure Reducing Valve.
Pumping stations.
Pressure Sustaining Valve.
A route through the disk file structure that DOS searches for a particular file - useful to locate files in a sub directory other than the current one.
Control Policy for a PST: pumps operate according to a timed on/off schedule.
Post chlorination
Addition of chlorine in the network to maintain residuals throughout the system.
Pressure controlled pumps
Pumps which switch 'on' or 'off' according to variations of pressure at a given point (Control Node).
Pressure Controlled Valve
Opening of valve changes according to variations of pressure at a given point (Control Node).
Control Policy for a PST: pumps operate in such a way that WL in the Control reservoir follows a time-variable pattern.
Pump Status
A pump may be either in operation, idle, or out-of-order.
Pump - Throttled
The valve (on pressure side) is partially closed to decrease its discharge.
Pump - Rated values of
Discharge, head and power at the best efficiency point of a pump, the rotational speed being equal to the nominal value.
Pumping Station
A set of pumps operating in parallel, not necessarily belonging to the one 'station' or representing all its units (condition: all pumps within this set must have only one control node and must follow the same control policy).
Q-H-P Data
Pump characteristics: Flow (Q) - Head(H) - Power(P).
Raw Data File
ASCII file containing data from telemetry system.
Reaction Coefficient
Reaction rate parameter used to calculate the growth or decay in concentration of a substance as it reacts with material in the reservoir. A negative coefficient will mean the concentration will decay over time.
Regulating Range of a FLV
Range of WL in a reservoir/water tower where the influence of a float valve (FLV) is felt usually 0.5 m or so.
A facility where surplus of water is temporarily stored to be used later. Here denotes any node with storage and free-surface (Variable-Head Node).
Reservoir Inflow Arrangement
It is important to know whether water enters the reservoir/water tower from BELOW (under water surface) or from ABOVE - in the latter case no backflow is possible.
Reverse Logic (AUTO)
An unusual control policy for pumps in AUTO mode: the units are switched 'on' when WL in the control reservoir EXCEEDS a certain level, and 'off' when WL drops below sufficiently (however, this is quite common policy for sewage pumping stations).
A run is a group of one or more simulations sharing common characteristics. All the simulations within a run are scheduled as a group.
Service Pressure
Pressure measured at the consumer's connection.
Imitation of a real event on the corresponding mathematical model.
A steady-state of the water supply system ('frozen').
SQL Server Database
A database stored and managed under Microsoft SQL Server.
Time-Controlled Pumps.
Time-Controlled Valve.
Throttled Valve.
Top Water Level of a reservoir/water tower.
Target Flow
Discharge to be delivered by a particular PST as planned (constant or time-varying).
Telemetry Data File
Data gathered by a telemetry system (remote sensing, transfer and processing) about flows, WL and pressures within the water supply system.
Time Controlled Pumps
TCP: the pumps to be switched 'on' or 'off' according to a plan (a schedule).
Transitory Data
Transitory Data is stored in your Local Root directory and includes local copies of checked out networks, locally stored results, and other temporary files.
Transfer Node
A point where a known quantity of water is either delivered to the water supply system or taken out of it.
Transportable Data
Data stored in a Transportable Database. Transportable Databases are portable and should be used for transferring data between databases of any format.
Travel Time (of water)
Average time (days) of water movement between 2 points in the network.
Two-Speed Valve
A level-controlled valve (LCV) which has two sets of rules: one when WL goes up, a different set when WL falls.
Unaccounted for Water Loss (UFW)
Water taken from the system, but which cannot be attributed to any known user; it may be (partly) a leakage etc. and (partly) unauthorised use.
Undo Checkout
Use Undo Check Out if you want to abandon all changes you have made since you Checked Out a version controlled item. Take care using this command as all changes WILL BE LOST.
User Category
Users of water are classified in several categories with similar patterns of water use, for instance domestic, hotels, hospitals, etc.
Variable-Speed Pump.
A facility to control water flow by throttling, and/or to stop the flow altogether.
Variable Speed Pump
A pump whose speed can be regulated according to needs (usually between 70 and 100% of rated speed).
Volume Elevation Curve
Method of describing the shape of a reservoir by giving several points: depth (measured from bottom) - volume.
Water Level (in a reservoir or in a water tower).
Water Supply System.
Wall Coeffiicent
The wall coefficient, kf, is a reaction rate parameter used to calculate the change in concentration of a substance as it reacts with material along the pipe walls. The wall coefficient has a positive value if the concentration of the substance grows in time, and a negative value if the concentration decays in time.
Water Demand
Quantity of water needed to cover both real consumption and losses of water in a given period of time.
Water Consumption
Quantity of water used by consumers.
Comprehensive pattern-based water demand forecasting application software for real-time, near-optimal control and management of water distribution networks.

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