Using the MAXScript Documentation
This reference is written primarily for artists learning MAXScript.
The topics are organized with the introductory material presented first, then descriptions of the MAXScript syntax and grammar, followed by a description of creating, accessing, and modifying the various 3ds Max objects. These 3ds Max objects include geometry objects, modifiers, controllers, materials, textures, and render effects.
The MAXScript tools are then described, followed by descriptions of the methods for interacting with the 3ds Max user interface, accessing external files, and establishing notifications to a script when an object or 3ds Max state changes. Throughout these topics, the purpose and syntax of the commands in the MAXScript language are described.
For New Users
Although it’s helpful to have programming experience, the basic aspects of MAXScript do not require this or an in-depth understanding of the structure underlying 3ds Max. Concepts presented in one topic do assume a basic understanding of the concepts presented in earlier topics.
At the very least, the topics in the "Learning MAXScript" chapter and the topics up to and including Controlling Program Flow in the "MAXScript Language Reference" chapter should be read in order. By reading the topics in order, you will learn the MAXScript language starting with the basics, and work your way toward writing full-featured MAXScript utilities.
In the later sections, features and techniques are presented for programmers with more advanced programming experience.
For those new to MAXScript, Learning MAXScript provides an introduction to the features, syntax, and practical applications of MAXScript.
Users who only intend to use MAXScript tools written by 3rd parties without learning the language itself will find the MAXScript for New and Casual Users topics useful.
For Existing Users
The index topic New in MAXScript provides links to topics documenting the changes to MAXScript in the current and previous releases.
Tutorials, Examples, FAQs
This document also features a set of How To - Practical Examples which can be used as tutorials or as starting point for own script development, and an index of Online Help Script Examples listing useful scripts located inside of various topics.
The Frequently Asked Questions chapter provides links to relevant topics and solutions to real-world problems based on questions by users.
MAXScript Extensions
Several chapters have been dedicated to MAXScript Extensions incl. character studio, Particle Flow, Cloth, Hair&Fur, ProBoolean, ProSound etc.
Although these plugins are now part of the shipping version of 3ds Max, they all started as add-ons and were often developed by external teams, leading to some individual flavors of the MAXScript exposure and own internal logic and structure of classes and interfaces.
For that reason, their documentation is provided in separate chapters under "MAXScript Extensions" that are mostly self-contained and can be seen as mini-help files within the large one.