
Bifrost-USD in Maya

Bifrost-USD combines the ability of USD to assemble, organize, and edit assets non-destructively with the flexibility and proceduralism of the Bifrost graph. For example, you can use Bifrost to easily create USD Point Instancers that instance USD assets.

Bifrost-USD instances in the Maya viewport

Bifrost-USD features both high-level compounds to easily and quickly populate a USD stage with layers and prims, as well as low-level nodes that match the capabilities of the USD API. It is integrated with USD for Maya, letting you see, select, and adjust elements directly in the viewport.


If you are using a custom extension of USD, then you need to rebuild the Bifrost-USD plug-in to work with your USD assets in Bifrost. You can get the Bifrost-USD source files at

BifrostUSDExamples plug-in

In addition, there is an early-access version of a Python-based plug-in, BifrostUSDExamples. This provides menu-based options for both generic and component USD workflows. The plug-in is installed with Bifrost in the following folder:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Bifrost\<MayaVersion>\<BifrostVersion>\bifrost\packs\usd_pack\<USDVersion>\examples\maya_plugin
  • macOS: /Applications/Autodesk/bifrost/<MayaVersion>/<BifrostVersion>/bifrost/packs/usd_pack/<USDVersion>/examples/maya_plugin
  • Linux: /usr/autodesk/bifrost/<MayaVersion>/<BifrostVersion>/bifrost/packs/usd_pack/<USDVersion>/examples/maya_plugin

Bifrost USD Examples plug-in menu

To enable the plug-in, add the path to the folder that contains the bifrostUSDExamples.mod file to your MAYA_MODULE_PATH environment variable (for example, in your Maya.env file), then restart Maya and load using the Plug-in Manager. A new menu Bifrost USD appears on Maya's main menu bar.

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