
Mesh enhancements for 2021.2

This release incorporates the following enhancements to the way models are meshed:

Improvements to 3D Meshing

The 3D meshing algorithm has been upgraded to improve the resulting mesh quality. The occurrence of unexpected large elements has been reduced and the mesh refinement in regions with abrupt changes of thickness has been improved.

Speed Improvements for Surface Meshing

Significant speed improvments have been made to the surface meshing algorithm for 3D models with many faces. This improvement can result in a surface meshing time reductions of up to 80% without changing the quality or number of surface triangle elements in any way. These surface meshes are used as the analysis mesh for Dual-Domain studies and are the first phase in 3D meshing processes.

Upgrade to Autodesk Moldflow Adviser 3D Meshing Methods

Autodesk Moldflow Adviser now uses the same advanced 3D meshing algorithms as used in the Moldflow Insight product, resulting in improved analysis stability and accuracy due to the higher mesh quality.

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