
Solver Enhancements for 2023.0

Enhancements have been implemented to improve the performance of analysis solvers, and to provide you with better solutions.

Improved Warpage Calculation Accuracy for 3D Analyses

Warpage analysis accuracy for 3D analyses has improved for some materials with high Poisson's ratio (where the Poisson's ratio is greater than 0.5). The improvement is mostly for unfilled polymers. A small number of filled polymer composite materials may also have changed warp results.

Improved Warpage Calculation Accuracy for Dual Domain Analyses

The accuracy of Warp analyses depends on the automatic selection of constraint nodes to fix the rigid body motion. In the new release, the automatic constraint selection has been improved. This change may bring minor result changes in all Dual Domain Warp cases.

Reduced Computation Time for Level 2 and Level 3 Accuracy resolutions

In previously releases, selecting the Level 2 or Level 3 resolution for the Analysis model processing resolution control on the Accuracy tab of the Process Settings would result in solution times that were very much longer than the default Level 0 resolution setting. A change has been made in the AMA 2023 release so that the Level 2 and Level 3 resolutions do not increase the computation time so dramatically. Nonetheless, each higher resolution setting still provides an increase in accuracy above the preceding (lower) resolution level.

Fiber Orientation Prediction Improvement in 3D

The algorithm used in the fiber orientation computation for 3D models has been improved. The prediction now shows a stronger transverse fiber alignment in the core region, near the center of the thickness, and is in better agreement with experimental data. The fiber orientation prediction in the shell regions remains similar to previous releases. The influence of this fiber orientation improvement on the warpage prediction is expected to be small.

Improved Sink-Mark analysis for 3D analyses

The sink-mark analysis results have been improved for some 3D cases. In such cases improved sink-mark location and sink-mark values are now predicted.

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