
Projects and studies

Analyses are organized into Projects; within each project, different analyses are organized into Studies. Before running an analysis, you must create a Project in which to store the data.


A project is the highest level of organization in the project management scheme. All information contained in a project is stored in a single directory. You can import and analyze as many models as you wish in a project. Results in the same project can be compared with one another and also combined in a single report. The Project View pane contains the name of the project with the studies and reports that it contains.

project pane

Figure 1 Project View pane


A study is an analysis or analysis sequence based on one consistent set of inputs, for example, material, injection location(s), process settings. Each study that you create is displayed in the Project View pane. The Study Tasks pane displays information about the active model. study pane

Figure 2 Study Tasks pane

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