
What's New 2021.2 Release

The Autodesk Moldflow Data Fitting 2021.2 release is a major overhaul in the user interface and backend data processing. The changes as compared to the previous 2021.1 release are as follows:


  • User Interface

    • Dialogs are now reorganised as buttons on a home screen instead of a treeview
      • Input data dialogs are in sequential Essential and Optional categories
      • Data entry sequence is now controlled to prevent a category of dependency bugs
      • Clear state control is provisioned with Apply, OK and Cancel buttons on each dialog
        • Many errors are now caught and presented before returning from a dialog to the home screen
      • Plots can be entered and exited freely to correctly render the underlying database data
      • The document can only be saved from the home screen, eliminating a category of data corruption and dependency bugs from saving in an incomplete/invalid state in a dialog
    • All dialog generic-raw switches now update the dialogs consistently with the underlying data
    • When switched to generic, the PVT input dialog now retains any input raw data, shows it in the data table, and charts it against the generic model data in the PVT Model dialog
      • This enables comparison of generic versus measured data, and easy switching from one mode to the other.
    • Crystallisation dialog has been revamped, with constant parameters displayed as read-only
    • Modern visual style has been applied
      • Busy/waiting icon appearance is now fixed
    • Old, redundant toolbar buttons have been removed
    • Plot legends and UI have been improved for readability
    • Plots for input stress-strain and fitted Ramberg-Osgood data are now available
    • Pressure plot capability for fitted viscosity is now clearly visible with a dedicated button
    • Input stress-strain and fitted Ramberg-Osgood data can now be exported to a .txt file
    • Text editor line limit has been raised
    • All data in Optional dialogs can be deleted with a single click
    • Changes within each dialog can now be cancelled, which will revert to the original dialog and database/document state
    • The input data check and result data checks are now implemented through distinct buttons, which are enabled when appropriate
    • The particular data check for each dialog is now automatically executed (and any errors immediately presented) upon Apply/OK button click
    • Visc & PVT Result right click menu now allows an entire row of model parameters to be copy/pasted into the result dialogs, e.g. to/from a spreadsheet.
    • Raw Viscosity:
      • Additional modes of entry:
        • Slit Die - height, width and length entered rather than capillary diam, L/D, with appropriate slit equations used
        • No Geometry (Basic) - temp, shear rate and viscosity only required. No JL or D3 support
        • Cross WLF Coeffs - no raw data entered so users can enter parameters manually in the Viscosity Model dialog
      • Simplification of columns:
        • more logical order of temperature, shear rate and then viscosity
        • only includes required data. Calculated dPSim, dPExp and dpErr used for plotting purposes are not shown
      • Addition of Entrance Pressure column for capillary input data format
      • Ability to specify Bagley corrected capillary data
    • Test Source, Family Abbreviation changed to be a drop down list to avoid data entry errors
    • The PVT transition line is now plotted in the model chart and can be graphically manipulated to set the B5 and B6 parameters
    • The PVT model can be refit from the chart (right-click menu)
    • Juncture Loss Fitting:
      • Sequential fitting of Juncture loss and then Shear Viscosity
      • Addition of Juncture Loss plotting (if non-zero entrance pressures are input) with ability to graphically move fit
    • Addition of some tooltips when hovering over new UI controls
    • Raw Visc - Warn AMPL & third-party labs if Rabinowitsch or Bagley correction has been applied when typically this is not used
    • Raw Visc - made default for non-AMPL/third-party labs to be Basic entry mode
  • Under the hood

    • Previously, an initial PVT fit would give slightly different results to a re-fit, which would use the previous model values as a starting point. Now a recursive algorithm is used that converges to a more consistent model, whether fitting or refitting.
    • Obsolete 3D Hybrid fiber orientation model removed from Filler dialog
    • Data checking capability in general has been extended, clarified and reformatted for improved visibility of issues
    • Some warning thresholds were relaxed, including the mold temperature range, specific heat temperature, PVT b6 parameter, and mechanical properties
    • Viscosity fitting to respect the keep fixed checkbox
    • Instead of only demanding model results be refit upon attempted export, any change to consequential input data will now delete all results and hence immediately, visibly require a refit. Specifically, an applied change to:
      • PVT input -> deletes PVT model; requiring PVT refit
      • Stress-strain input -> deletes relevant RO model; requiring RO refit
      • Viscosity input -> Deletes viscosity model; requiring viscosity refit
      • If Juncture Loss or D3 is used for capillary or slit input viscosity data, then PVT input and/or PVT model and/or thermal conductivity input and/or specific heat input change -> deletes viscosity model; requiring viscosity refit
      • Filler input -> Ramberg-Osgood model to be refit

Bug fixes

  • The keyboard tab key now switches through input fields in sequence (left-right, top-bottom)
  • Some instances where a model refit was spuriously required no longer occur (e.g. changing the trade name)
  • Re-opening an aml file made the models marked as requiring a refit because it didn't have a data fitting id from obsolete server functionality
  • Additional data checks have been implemented
  • Many bugs fixed in mechanical dialog
    • Comments, dates, source now handled correctly
    • When switching from generic to raw input data, the generic values are retained as a starting point
  • Source and method combo boxes no longer have duplicate entries
  • Source combo box can now only select from a predefined list
  • Fitted data dialog fixed constant checkboxes now operate correctly
  • Empty maximum shear stress and rate values are no longer erroneously accepted - they are essential
  • Backwards/inverted PVT crystalline transition temperatures are now detected and reported as a specific error rather than being allowed to fail the PVT model fit with an obscure error
  • Inconsistent behaviour upon attempting to re-fit a failed PVT fit has been resolved
  • Some mechanical data warnings were erroneously counted as errors
  • Additional errors are detected upon failed export and flagged as a popup
  • Optical Text Editor would not register enter key for a new line, so data could only be pasted in
  • Exporting kept appending ".21000.udb" to the file name selected
  • PVT & Viscosity fitting now respect the minimum and maximum value limits
  • PVT raw data checking is now improved with descriptive error messages
  • Amorphous PVT B6 will not change if fixed
  • Several memory leaks have been fixed

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