
Applies to 2023.1 Update and later


What's new in 2023.1

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  • New and updated features for this release are marked with in the online help. Also, use the search term "2023.1" to find the help topics that correspond to the changes and new features.
  • As a reminder, the simulation products have received a name update.
    • Simulation Utility LT for Netfabb, or Simulation Utility LT, as in, the GUI and computation components of PBF simulation in Netfabb Ultimate, is now called Simulation Utility for Netfabb, or Simulation Utility, dropping the "LT".
    • Simulation Utility, previously only referring to the GUI component of Netfabb Local Simulation (or Local Simulation), itself referring to mainly the computational engine, is now Netfabb Local Simulation (or, again, Local Simulation) as a whole.
  • Read on below for a selection of highlights of this release. For more details on fixes and known issues, visit the Release Notes.
  • Find the download of the new version in your Autodesk Account at or through the Autodesk Desktop App.
  • Important: Microsoft® Windows® 11 continues to remain officially unsupported.


  1. Machine workspaces

    • New machine models have been added for DMG Mori, Structo, and Xact Metal. The Structo machine support now offers a selection of resolutions to match different imaging elements.
    • The default EBPAs for SLM Solutions and Renishaw (Q-type) have had optional interleaving multi-pass exposure, or line stippling, added to their contours. Drawing these in multiple passes should help with reducing hoop stresses and mitigating deformation of large, thin-walled parts.
  2. Supports

    • A new support action, Edge with bar support, helps with supporting parts that do not have distinct supportable downskin areas, only edges.
    • Manually supporting the large areas of specialty parts that are very flat but are oriented in the vertical during printing is now easier and faster as the cluster detection's "down" direction may now be freely readjusted away from the actual down direction.

      In preparation for attachment of angled volume support, this curved part had its cluster detection reoriented to its upskin to select its large surface at once.

  3. Automation

    • For performing the one-stop hollowing and latticing that Lattice Assistant already offers, the Lua capabilities have been extended with the necessary objects and methods to do the same hollowing and latticing within a Lua script.

Simulation Utility and Local Simulation

The 2023.1 release of Netfabb does not contain new versions for the simulation products, so the same versions as for 2023.0 are included.


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