
Applies to 2024.0 Update and later


What's new in 2024.0


  • New and updated features for this release are marked with in the online help. Also, use the search term "2024.0" to find the help topics that correspond to the changes and new features.
  • As a reminder, the simulation products have received a name update.
    • Simulation Utility LT for Netfabb, or Simulation Utility LT, as in, the GUI and computation components of PBF simulation in Netfabb Ultimate, is now called Simulation Utility for Netfabb, or Simulation Utility, dropping the "LT".
    • Simulation Utility, previously only referring to the GUI component of Netfabb Local Simulation (or Local Simulation), itself referring to mainly the computational engine, is now Netfabb Local Simulation (or, again, Local Simulation) as a whole.
  • Read on below for a selection of highlights of this release. For more details on changes, fixes, and known issues, visit the Release notes.
  • Find the download of the new version in your Autodesk Account at or through the Autodesk Desktop App.
  • Important: This is a major release. If you have been running Netfabb and/or Local Simulation on a network license, you must perform additional updates when updating to 2024.0:

    Refer to this article in the Netfabb installation supplement help for more details.

  • ADA, or Autodesk Desktop Application, is being phased out and replaced with Autodesk Access. There is no action required from you to facilitate this.
  • Microsoft® Windows® 11 is now officially supported.


  1. Machine workspaces

    • A range of Desktop Metal, LuxCreo, and Trumpf printer models joins Netfabb's arsenal of supported machines, available from Netfabb Standard onwards. Likewise, many machine models by EnvisionTEC, now Desktop Metal and listed as ETEC, as well as EOS, HP, Mimaki, Renishaw, Stratasys (Origin), and Structo have received revisions and updates.
  2. Supports

    • Shape-conformal pedestals, or setters, may now be generated with an easily configurable support action.

      Setters are commonly used for sinter-finishing of powderbed-additively formed shapes.

    • Bar supports may now be generated grouped and cross-braced.

      Grouping bars makes removal easier, and bracing bars makes the support more rigid without needing too many attachments on part surface.

  3. Reporting

    • Support for Pentaho reporting has been updated to version 9.3.

Simulation Utility and Local Simulation

New cards

  1. Input/output cards

    • With the new *MLAS card, warnings about multiple simultaneously active heat sources are suppressed when this is intentional for processes like multilaser LPBF or multi-source DED.
    • The *PZIP card drastically reduces result file size for archiving. It also comes with a command-line tool to decompress the generated archive and can also be used to compress results after they were generated. See the new example 24 in the Local Simulation documentation for more details.

    Material properties cards

    • The new *MRNG card automatically adjusts the melt temperature conductivity to approximate the heat transfer through the melt pool via convection according to the Marangoni convection approximation. It is automatically generated for PRMs of type Hot Spot and Lack of Fusion.

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