
AutoCAD 2024 API History Reference (ActiveX)

Additions and changes made to the ActiveX API in AutoCAD 2024 and AutoCAD 2024-based products.


Support for using the AutoCAD ActiveX type library was added to AutoLISP in AutoCAD LT.

Note: AutoCAD LT doesn't support Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming, and also doesn't support third-party ActiveX libraries with AutoLISP.


        Minor version number of the class has been incremented from 24.2 to 24.3

        Use the ProgID AutoCAD.Application.24.3 to create an instance of AutoCAD 2024, 
        ProgID AutoCAD.Application.24.2 to create an instance of AutoCAD 2023, 
        ProgID AutoCAD.Application.24.1 to create an instance of AutoCAD 2022, or 
        ProgID AutoCAD.Application.24.0 to create an instance of AutoCAD 2021 when installed.

        ProgID AutoCAD.Application.24 can still be used to create an instance of AutoCAD 2024, but 
        there will be inconsistencies in execution when installed side-by-side with AutoCAD 2023, 
        AutoCAD 2022 or AutoCAD 2021.

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