
What's New


What's New in Autodesk ObjectARX for AutoCAD 2024.

New in AcDb

This inline method calls the class's readString method (see AcDbDwgFiler::readString for more information).
This constructor enables setting of pt and appData members. All other members are set to NULL.
Returns an integer that indicates the id is greater than, less than, or equal to the value in *this.
  • -1 indicates the value is less than
  • 0 indicates the value is equal to
  • 1 indicates the value is greater than
Override the virtual function for the drawing of point cloud.

New in AcGs

Updates the status of the adapter.

New in Global Functions

Used to determine if the tight extents calculations are enabled for AcDb3dSolid, AcDbSurface, and AcDbRegion entities.
Used to enable the tight extents calculations before using getGeomExtents on the AcDb3dSolid, AcDbSurface, and AcDbRegion entities.

New in MFC Extension Classes

Enables the use of Windows 11 UI features for the Application frame.
Sets the Application Button size for the Application frame.
Override of the non-virtual base class method. Registers a tool with the tooltip control.See MFC help for more documentation.
Override of the non-virtual base class method. Registers a tool with the tooltip control.See MFC help for more documentation.
Override of the non-virtual base class method.Updates the tooltip text for this control's tools.
Override of the non-virtual base class method.Updates the tooltip text for this control's tools.
Indicates whether the path represents a virtual file/directory.

New in Miscellaneous Classes

Utility class for use with AcArrays.
Helper method for arrays of pointers.Deletes all pointers in the array and sets the array to empty.E.g., if arr is an AcArray<SomeType *>, where SomeType is not void, then we can say: AcArrayUtil::deletePtrs(arr); if bFreeBuffer is true, then remove AcArray's allocated buffer.Otherwise mem buffer is retained and re-used if bUseArrayDelete is true, then call delete[] instead of delete.For use with ptrs to C-style arrays, as in arr.append(new T[3]);
Helper method for arrays of void ptrs, which need to be deleted as pointers to a specific type. Caller specifies the pointer type.E.g.: AcArray::deleteVoidPtrs<MyType>(arr); // where arr is AcArray<void *>E.g., if arr is an AcArray<void *>, where the pointers actually are to SomeType, then we can say: AcArrayUtil::deleteVoidPtrs<SomeType>(arr);Note:void ptrs are not type safe and should only be used as a last resort.
API that allows for the addition of arbitrary properties to drawing extraction results.
Initialize this AcString from a std::wstring.
Initialize this AcString from a std::wstring_view.
Constructs a string and initializes it from a std::wstring.
Constructs a string and initializes it from a std::wstring_view.
Truncates the string from the given index.
Queues an object for property extraction with the BeginExtractionEventArgs::queueForExtraction event.
Queues an object for property extraction. The properties extracted are subject to change.
Adds an object's property for extraction with the EndExtractionEventArgs::addProperty event.
Adds a property to the property database.
A singleton who purpose is to act as event source for clients who want to observe the extraction process to add their own properties.
Adds a reactor/observer.Reactors must be removed before they are destroyed.
Removes a reactor/observer.Reactors must be removed before they are destroyed.
Returns the singleton instance of the Extractor.
Reactor/Observer interface.
Called at the beginning of the extraction process.Gives clients an opportunity to queue extra objects for property extraction.
Called at the end of the extraction process.Gives clients an opportunity to add extra properties to extraction results.

New Enum

State of the Autodesk Application Frame.

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