
What's New


What's New in Autodesk ObjectARX for AutoCAD 2022.

New in AcDb

Saves this drawing to a DXF file and allows the caller to specify a code page.
This function gives control of deep clone operations to the object. In the default implementation, the object is cloned and appended to the owner object (pOwnerObject). The cloning is performed by an AcDbDeepCloneFiler. A record is also added to the idMap. Then, using the filer, any owned objects are deep cloned, with isPrimary set to Adesk::kFalse.
This function is almost identical to AcDbObject::deepClone, except that an AcDbWblockCloneFiler is used and ownership is not carried across database boundaries. Subcloning is based on hard owner and hard pointer connections.
This class allows applications to determine whether a grip on a custom entity is selectable.
Determines whether a grip on a custom entity is selectable.

New in AcAp

Checks to see if the MDI frame window is floating.
Fired when a document window is docked from a floating state back to the MDI child frame.
Fired when a document window is dragged out of the MDI child frame into a floating window.

New in AcEd

For internal use only.Wrapper class to correctly save/set/restore the state of acedUpdateDisplayPause within a scope can also use default constructor to allow manual set/restore for callback type of patterns. AutoCAD code only uses this class, it does not directly use acedUpdateDisplayPause. This is not a stack, so only a single save state is maintained.
For internal use only.Default destructor. Uses the Restore method to ensure any saved state is restored.
For internal use only.Default constructor, does not perform any action.
For internal use only.Constructor, taking in a parameter to be passed to SaveAndSet.
For internal use only.Restore any previously saved disable state. Subsequent calls are ignored.Once called, it is now valid to call SaveAndSet again.
For internal use only.Saves the existing state and sets the new disable state. Can only be used once, additional calls are ignored.

New in AcGs

The AcGsManager interface provides services that helps to hide the details of connecting AutoCAD and ARX applications to the graphics system (GS).
Gets an array of all active graphics kernels.
Gets an array of all active graphics models.
Gets an array of active "main" graphics models for a database.
Gets the current display's highlight model that is associated with the specified database.
Gets the current display's model that is associated with the specified database.
Sets the association between the specified database and highlight model for the current display.
Sets the association between the specified database and model for the current display.

New in AcPl

Gets the current value for the publish process as to whether it attempts to initialize uninitialized layouts.
Sets the current value for the publish process as to whether it attempts to initialize uninitialized layouts.
Sets the trace session to be included with the sheet as part of the plotted output.
Gets the trace session to be included with the sheet as part of the plotted output.

New in AcRx

This function returns the protocol extension object stored with the key pProtocolClass. If there is no such object specific to the class represented by this AcRxClass object, then the protocol extension object for the parent class is used, or its parent class, or on up the hierarchy as far as needed to obtain the protocol extension object sought.If the pProtocolClass key is not present in this AcRxClass object nor in any of the base class's AcRxClass objects, then this function will return NULL. This function does the real work for AcRxObject::queryX() and is invoked from it.

New in Global Functions

Helper function for asserting that the copy/move params are valid.
Query the graphics system (GS) for cached graphics status of the specified AcGiDrawable.
Gets an array of active graphics kernels.
Get an array of active "main" graphics models for a database.
Gets an array of active graphics models.
Gets the AcGsManager associated with the current MDI Client Window.
Gets the current display's highlight AcGsModel that is associated with the specified AcDbDatabase.
Gets the current display's AcGsModel that is associated with the specified AcDbDatabase.
Sets the association between the specified database and highlight model for the current display.
Sets the association between the specified database and model for the current display.
Checks for equality of the C++ types pointed to by a and b and returns true if equal.
Converts the C++ type pointed to by instance parameter to a string format.
Determines whether a point is within an entity's bounding box.
Determines whether an application with the specified name has already been registered in the database.

New in MFC Extension Classes

Display size of the application button.

New in Miscellaneous Classes

Returns the maximum theoretical number of elements of the array.

New Enum

This capability indicates that the kernel supports 3D drawing.
VisualElement's index order for the Autodesk Application Frame. (Internal use only)

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