
About What's New In-App

Quickly and easily learn about any newly released Flow Production Tracking features in-app!

What's New

For hosted customers, a new gift icon is available in Flow Production Tracking in the global navigation bar after the site search boxWhat's New location. When selected, the icon will be blue What's New active. When not selected, the icon is grey What's New inactive.

Upon the release of this new feature, you will see a one-time pop-up window introducing the icon and the feature.

What's New pop-up

When selected What's New active, you can see newly released features and interact with the feature cards by filtering and selecting a feature card to learn more from our documentation.

When a new feature is released, the icon will display a notification badge What's New badge. After visiting the What's New page, the notification badge will disappear, returning the icon to the default state until the next feature is released What's New active/What's New inactive.

Release Information


Release Date:

October 24, 2022 ET

Release Notes

Review the release notes here.

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