
Project Tracking Settings

Tracking Settings provide a place in your project to configure which entities, fields, Pipeline Steps, and statuses you’ll be using. These settings make it possible to support different projects with different pipelines and tracking needs within the same Flow Production Tracking site.

Tracking Settings


Entities are the building blocks of a project. If you’re making a film, your project will use the Shot and Asset entity types. If you’re making a game, you might use Assets and Levels. Not every project needs every entity and some projects require custom entities, and so you can choose to only show entities your project is using.

You can hide or show an entity from your project via the left pane of Tracking Settings.

Hiding an entity type will affect the project in the following ways:

  • Hide the entity type from the project navigation configuration screen.
  • Hide all pages for the entity type (e.g., project navigation pages, pages in the “Other” menu, pages in the “Pages” menu).
  • Prevent users from creating new pages for that entity type.
  • Prevent users from creating new records of that entity type.

Tracking Settings

You can also set a default Task Template for your entities. For example, you can create a default template for your Assets. This means that:

  • When you create a new Asset , if the Asset Task Template field is visible on the Asset Form, it will be pre-populated with the specified task template.
  • If the Asset Task Template field is not visible on the Asset Form, the specified default task template will be used.


Fields keep track of important information on the entities you’re tracking. Each entity type has some core fields that are consistent across entities (e.g., description, name, status, etc.), but you can add your own. Although two projects may both track Assets, each project may track different information on Assets. This is particularly common at studios that work on both films and games.

You can hide or show fields on entities by selecting an entity type on the left and toggling field visibility on the right.

Toggle fields

Hiding a field will affect the project in the following ways:

  • Hide the field from all “Fields” menus.
  • Hide the field from all pages and detail pages.
  • Hide the field from all forms.
  • Remove the field from any queries or filters where it’s used.
  • Remove the field from any page formatting rules where it’s used.

Pipeline Steps

Pipeline Steps show up on entity types that can have Tasks. These are typically entities where you’ll create and assign Tasks. Pipeline Steps help organize Tasks into categories that can be displayed as columns on reports or pages for the entity. Just like fields, you may not need all the Steps on an entity for your project, so you can toggle them off.

Toggle steps

Hiding a step will affect the project in the following ways:

  • Hide the step from all “Pipeline” menus.
  • Hide the step from the Pipeline Step field on Tasks.
  • Remove the step from any queries or filters where it’s used.
  • Remove the step from any page formatting rules where it’s used.

Hiding a step WILL NOT remove the step from any Tasks where it is being used. You'll need to manually change Tasks to a new Pipeline Step by going to a Tasks page, searching for Tasks with the Pipeline Step, and editing them.


Each entity type has a set of statuses to help track a record's status. Statuses can be used to track approval on Versions, the stage of a Task, or anything else you need to track. Different projects call for different workflows, so you can hide and show statuses differently per project.

Toggle status


Some entity types may have more than one status field. You’ll see all an entity type’s status fields in this section.

Hiding a status will affect the project in the following ways:

  • Hide the status from its status field.
  • Remove the status from any queries or filters where it’s used.
  • Remove the status from any page formatting rules where it’s used.

Hiding a status WILL NOT remove the status from any records where it is being used. You’ll need to manually change records to a new status by going to the entity type’s page, searching for records with the status, and editing them.


What happens when I change Tracking Settings for my project?

Changes you make in Tracking Settings are saved immediately. Everything you change can be changed back without data loss, so don’t worry if you make a mistake.

Once you make changes others users might notice the following changes in your project (see above for specifics):

  • Fewer entities appear in a project’s “Other” menu.
  • Fewer entities appear in the project navigation bar.
  • Fewer fields appear in the Fields menus.
  • Fewer Pipeline Steps appear in Pipeline menus.
  • Fewer statuses appear in your status fields.
  • Pages may show more records since filters have become inactive.
  • Pages may change color since formatting rules have become inactive.

In general changing your Tracking Settings will simplify your projects.

What about creating new fields, steps, and statuses?

Fields, Statuses, and Pipeline Steps

When you create a new Field, Status, and Pipeline Step, you will be presented with options on where you would like to display the new field or status:

  • All unarchived Projects
  • Only the current Project
  • Select unarchived and template Projects

Apply to projects

Select unarchived and template Projects allows you to select which projects you would like fields and statuses visible in. You can search projects, sort by the fields provided on Projects, and select the projects you would like the field, status, and Pipeline Step visible in.

What does the error message create failed (reason_code 3): Invalid project: project [] does not exist mean?

This message often comes up if you have hidden a status for a global page. The global page does not specify which project to hide the status, which causes the error.

You can still hide a particular status. Just make sure you are configuring the status from a project page.

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