
Customizing entity hierarchy

Entities in a project are organized in a hierarchy. Flow Production Tracking includes a number of commonly used entities in a pre-configured hierarchy. However, if you need to track something new, such as a Level, you may also want to customize the way you organize Levels—like in Chapters. Ultimately, your project’s hierarchy will determine how you can navigate items you're tracking:

Level hierarchy

Updating an entity's hierarchy

Hierarchy is defined per entity, per project. This allows you to organize Shots. For example, you can group Shots by Sequence in one project, and by Episode in another project. To update an entity’s hierarchy:

  1. Go to any Project
  2. From Project Actions, choose “Tracking Settings”
  3. Select the entity you want to update
  4. From the “Properties” section, choose a different hierarchy

Shot hierarchy

There are three main ways you can navigate entities:

  1. None: Entities with no hierarchy will not be browsable in the project.
  2. Flat: One long list of entities, allowing you to browse between entities.
  3. Nested: Entities linked together, so you can organize entities using other entities.

Adding new nested hierarchies

The list of possible nested hierarchies is based on the how you've linked together entities in your project. As an example, say you are working on a game. You can organize Levels, an entity used to track stages in a game, by Chapters, an entity used to organize and browse Levels:

  1. First, enable a new custom entity called “Chapter.”
  2. Go to your Project, and then to a page of Levels. You may need to look in the “Other” menu or enable Levels in the Project first.
  3. From the “Fields” menu, choose “Manage Level Fields” and “Add a new field.”
  4. Choose “Entity” as the field type, and name the field “Chapter.”
  5. Go to Project Actions > Tracking Settings, and select “Level.”
  6. Under Properties > Hierarchy, choose “Chapter > Level.”

The list of possible hierarchies is based on all the possible one-to-many relationships—the single entity field—between an entity and the Project.

Additional information

  • Only Project entities have customizable hierarchies.
  • Tasks, Versions, and Publishes inherit the hierarchy of their parents. For example, a Shot Task might be organized by Sequence > Shot > Task. An Asset Task might be organized by Type > Asset > Task.
  • Only Type and single-entity fields can be used to customize hierarchies.

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