
8.41 Release Notes (Aug 2022)

Release date: August 16, 2022 ET

We released the following updates since 8.40:


Input Validation Rule Improvements

Page Settings History Panel Improvements

Bug fixes

Email notification

  • Fixed an issue where the user could receive a welcome email even though they're already an active user. [SG-27720]

Filter Panel

  • Fixed an issue when filtering by note replies would throw an error. [SG-27534]
  • Fixed an issue where a project created based on another project or template project could still use parent project value in widget filters. [SG-27158]
  • Fixed a regression where a filter would not open on a thumbnails widget. [SG-28037]

Task Template

  • Fixed an issue with task names which in some cases would display an old name instead of a new one on an entity creation dialog. [SG-27485]
  • Fixed an issue where the Project field would be enabled when importing tasks into a task template. [SG-27604]


  • Fixed an issue when exporting tasks with a pipeline step’s tag field could result in a broken page. [SG-27633]
  • Fixed an issue when using None for the background or text in formatting rules could result in non-readable text on the grid (especially when the dark scheme is on). [SG-24897]

Page - Detail view

  • Fixed an issue where a field's name will not get updated in detail view. [SG-27665]

asterisk 8.41 Release Note Contents (Wednesday August 17, 2022 ET)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that occurred in thumbnail widgets where the filter dropdown list would not load when input validation errors for a linked field are applied. [SG-28042]
  • Fixed an issue where filtering Task counts and total Task counts on a Tasks page would display inconsistent results. [SG-27580]
  • Fixed a regression where the context or the 'More' menus would not open on a global Versions page. [SG-28071] (Monday August 22, 2022 ET)

Bug fix

  • Fixed a regression where navigation filter items were misaligned after a dragging and dropping. [SG-28032] (Thursday August 25, 2022 ET)

Bug fix

  • Fixed a regression where some filter values (Current entity, Empty) could not be removed or could lead to an error in a widget filter. [SG-27944] (Tuesday August 30, 2022 ET)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the allowed email domains feature would not accept some valid values [SG-27751]
  • Fixed an issue where a project field could be assigned on a task within a task template [SG-27639]
  • Fixed issues with custom entities [SG-26733]:
    • Page names would not update after an entity was renamed
    • Custom fields created would not display on the Permissions page
  • Fixed an issue where exporting a query field displaying content from a list field could result in placing the data into multiple columns instead of keeping it in one column (like on the grid) [SG-27938] (Tuesday September 8, 2022 ET)

Bug fix

  • Fixed an issue where undoing a split task would not correctly restore the start date of the task. [SG-27465]

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