Get a high-level overview of the Material Editor and working with materials in VRED.
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Video captions: Open the Material Editor to edit the scene materials. In the left area, you can find a list of all materials and the material libraries. In the right area, you can find an overview of all editable selected materials' attributes. Nevertheless, you can fit the Material Editor components to your workflow. Go to the dropdown menu and select which component should be shown. You can also double open the material list in order to facilitate material organization. You also have the opportunity to insert or fade out separate components. Under Window, you can choose which components should be opened. Open the Group Preview component. Here you can find pre-rendered preview icons of all materials. Get an overview of your materials in the selected folder by using the Group Preview. All the Material Editor features can be viewed over the File menu or via right-click within the material list to the context menu. Regularly used functions can be reached via the icons.