Opening and Manipulating a Model
Compare your final results with the .vbp file. Download the data files here, then watch the videos. Follow along using the downloaded .wire file.
Please note, there may be differences between your version of VRED and the video. See the video captions below for updated instructions.
Learn about how to open, optimize, and manipulate a model in VRED.
Video captions: A data set has been provided with these tutorials. Download the file and copy it to a VRED folder for easy navigation. Go to File > Open. Navigate to the Aeromax.wire file and open. Use the default tessellation settings and click OK. To increase file performance and enhance the rendering process, you will need to optimize the scene. There are two different optimizations to perform. Select File > Optimize. Optimize options should be set to the default, Optimize Geometries. Click OK.
Right-click on the top node of the geometry and go to Edit > show Optimize Module. In addition to the default settings, check both Flush Transformation Nodes and Cleanup Group Nodes, and click Optimize. This optimizes the Scenegraph.
The bounding box that appears around the model indicates that it is selected and click on Wireframe to display the wireframe of selected components. There are several ways to select and deselect objects. Shift+RMB-click in empty space to deselect all. Shift+LMB-click to select an object. Cltrl+Shift+LMB-click to select additional objects. Ctrl+Shift+RMB-click to deselect additional objects. Shift and drag LMB from top left to bottom right to select items fully inside the selection frame. Shift and drag LMB from the bottom right to the top left to select objects fully or partially inside the selection frame.
To navigate in the Render View, use the LMB to rotate, MMB to pan, and RMB to zoom. Double-LMB-click on geometry to set it as the pivot point. Double-MMB-click on geometry to zoom to it. Double-RMB-click on geometry to center it in the Render View.
Every surface has a normal direction. To display these in VRED, go to the Visualization menu and select Vertex/Face Normal Rendering. Green indicates the surface normals are correctly pointing toward the camera. Blue surfaces have normals pointing away from the camera and need to be flipped for proper rendering results. In a front 3/4 view, to flip normals, hold Alt and LMB-drag from top left to bottom right and enclose the entire car. Rotate to the opposite rear 3/4 view and repeat. Most normals have been flipped, especially the small ones. Alt+LMB-click on the remaining blue surfaces. Ensure to leave the environment dome blue. The remaining blue surface showing through the grill is the back side of the wheel house and is correct. With the rest of the surface normals facing the camera, select Visualization > Realistic Rendering.