These ActiveX properties all start with 'P'.
Specifies the default template for Page Setup overrides.
Gets the PaperSpace collection for the document.
Specifies the units for the display of layout or plot configuration properties.
Gets the parent of the object.
Gets the path of the block, document, application, or external reference.
Specifies the angle of the hatch pattern.
Specifies if the user-defined hatch is double-hatched.
Specifies the hatch pattern name.
Specifies the hatch pattern scale.
Specifies the user-defined hatch pattern spacing.
Gets the pattern type used for the hatch.
Gets the total length of the inner and outer region loops.
Specifies that a smooth and closed surface is created without a kink if it is reshaped.
Determines if objects are added to the selection set using the Shift key.
Controls automatic windowing at the Select Objects prompt.
Specifies the size of the object selection target.
Controls the method of drawing a selection window.
Determines if you select objects before (noun-verb selection) or after you issue a command.
Gets the pickfirst selection set.
Determines if picking a single object in a group selects the entire group.
Gets the Plot object for the document.
Gets the PlotConfigurations collection for the document.
Specifies if objects are to be hidden during a plot.
Toggles whether legacy plot scripts are allowed to run.
Specifies the path of the Plot log file.
Specifies the origin of the UCS, block, layout, or raster image in WCS coordinates.
Determines whether an object's color property is associated with its plot style name when a new drawing is created.
Specifies the rotation angle for the layout or plot configuration.
Specifies the plot style name for an object, group of objects, or layer.
Specifies if the layer is plottable.
Specifies the type of layout or plot configuration.
Specifies if the viewport borders are to be plotted.
Specifies if all geometry in paper space viewports is plotted first.
Specifies whether objects plot with the lineweights they are assigned in the plot file, or with the lineweights in the drawing file.
Specifies whether or not to plot using the plot styles that are applied to objects and defined in the plot style table.
Toggles the display of polar tracking vectors.
Specifies the X, Y, Z coordinate for center of the base or center of the solid, or the origin for the DWF underlay.
Specifies a name for a customized prolog section in the acad.psf file.
Gets the Preferences object.
Specifies if the attribute is preset.
Specifies the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension or tolerance.
Gets the principal directions of the solid or region.
Gets the principal moments property of the solid or region.
Specifies the location for printer configuration files.
Specifies the location for printer description files.
Specifies whether to alert the user when a layout is configured with a paper size that is different than the default setting for the PC3 file.
Specifies whether to alert the user when the output to a device must be spooled through a system printer due to a conflict with the I/O port.
Specifies the location for printer style sheet files.
Specifies an alternate name to use for the temporary plot file name.
Specifies the directory for the print spool files. AutoCAD writes the plot to this location.
Specifies the application to use for print spooling.
Gets the product of inertia of the solid or region.
Specifies the rotation of the sweep profile.
Gets the PreferencesProfiles object.
Specifies the prompt string for an attribute.
Specifies the name for the property.
Controls the display of objects in a drawing that were created in a third-party application.