You download a model published to the cloud only once. After this first download of the complete model, you then only download changes from the latest, synchronized copy. (Likewise, you upload only your changes from your local copy as your contribution to a new, synchronized copy of the model.)
Models you can download display in the Collaborate section of the Start page. If you do not see the model you want, check that you are displaying the correct group.
Specify the location of the model on your local server. If a model has the same name as the one you are downloading, specify a different location.
To download a model from Manage Online Models, select the correct Group and model, click Download, follow steps 2 and 3 above.
If the download process is interrupted (for example, due to a network failure or loss of connection to the service) you will see an error message. A download can also fail if you try to download to a folder that already contains a model with the same name.
If you download or delete a model before it is done being published, an error message indicates the model is locked. A model can also be locked during a long download or sync operation. Model locking does not block a group member from synchronizing non-raster-based changes.
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