About collaborating on models in InfraWorks 360 design groups

You collaborate with other members of a design group using a shared, online model. You join a design group by accepting an invitation from an InfraWorks 360 account administrator (Admin) or by setting up an Admin account yourself.

Table 1. Collaborating on Models Via the Cloud: Basic Operations
Operation Description
Publishing a model to the cloud for the first time

Only Admins and Publishers can publish a model to the cloud. InfraWorks 360 creates server space for the model, its proposals and scenarios. See To publish a model for the first time.

Downloading a model for the first time

To start sharing, you first download a complete copy of the latest synchronized version from InfraWorks 360. After that, you only upload changes you make locally and download changes from the latest synced version. See To download a model for the first time.

Uploading/Syncing your changes

Synchronizing service sorts out differences among uploaded versions and produces a latest, synchronized version. Admins, Publishers, and Authors can upload and syncd their models. Readers may download a model and work on it locally but cannot upload changes. See To synchronize models proposals and scenarios.

Getting (downloading) the latest synchronized version of shared model

When you open a shared model, you open your local, downloaded copy. To work on the latest synchronized version, click "send or get changes" (synchronize). This action opens Synchronize Model panel. If you have made changes to your local copy since your last syncing, then, when you click Sync, the service sends your changes to the cloud, synchronizes them with other changes, and regenerates the latest version of the model (including changes to proposals and scenarios.) See To synchronize models proposals and scenarios

Publishing a scenario for the first time

You publish a new scenario the first time by defining it then syncing the model containing it. Then, when you or other group members upload changes affecting that scenario, InfraWorks 360 syncs the model, keeping the scenario up-to-date. To create a scenario. Viewers always stream the latest version.

Viewing models, proposals or scenarios in Web Viewer or the Mobile App viewer

You and other collaborators can view a model at any time in the web viewer, or, from the InfraWorks 360 mobile app. InfraWorks 360 synchronizes scenarios in the background so viewers always stream the latest version. To view scenarios on an iPad or on the web

Commenting on a model, proposal or scenario using Design Feed

Comment and reply to others' comments using Design Feed. See To use Design Feed for comments.

Removing a model from the cloud

Admins and Publishers can remove a model from the InfraWorks 360 cloud. When you remove a model, users connected to it can no longer synch changes. See To remove models from the cloud.

Disconnecting a model from a specific group

You can disconnect your local copy of a model from InfraWorks 360. Disconnection prevents synching your copy but allows you to publish it to another group. Other members of the group remain connected to the shared copy and can still sync their changes. See To disconnect a model from a group.