Create face extents rip

Use the Rip command to create a gap in a sheet metal part created using closed profile sketches to allow flattening. The Face Extents Rip Type requires selection of a model face that is removed to define the Rip.

  1. On the ribbon, click Sheet Metal tab Modify panel Rip .
  2. On the Rip dialog box, select Face Extents from the Rip Type drop-down.
  3. In the graphics window, select the face of the sheet metal model to be removed as the Rip feature.
  4. Click OK to create the Rip and close the dialog box. Optionally, click Apply to create the Rip and leave the dialog box open to create additional Rip features.
Note: Click Cancel at anytime to discard any input and close the dialog box.
Tip: Face Extents Rip features are often used to remove a small bend face created as the result of a Lofted Flange created using Press Brake output. While removing bend faces is common, any face can be removed to create a Rip using the Face Extents option.