STEP Save As Options dialog box

When exporting to STEP, sets the STEP format, and specifies information to add to the header section of the exported file.

You can export an Autodesk Inventor assembly or part to a STEP file. When you save an assembly as a STEP file, the assembly and all reference parts are saved to a single file. The appearances of Autodesk Inventor parts are converted to RGB colors for the exported STEP solids.

  Part or Assembly
  1. In the Export Files task dialog box, select a file you listed for export.
  2. In the Output File Name Column, Click . In the Save As dialog box, in Save As Type, select the file extension STE files(*.ste), STP files(*.stp), or STEP files(*.step).
  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Export Files dialog box, click Options.
Application Protocol 203 - Configuration Controlled Design Sets the application protocol to AP 203.

214 - Automotive Design Sets the application protocol to AP 214.


Displays the default tolerance for the STEP file. The accepted range for the tolerance value is 0.00001 cm through 0.001 cm.

You can change this value, using cm units only. A smaller tolerance creates more accurate geometry approximations and larger file size. The value persists in current and later sessions until you change it.


Adds one or more authorization names to the header in the STEP file. Enter the names.


Adds one or more names of authors to the header in the STEP file. Enter the names.


Adds information about the organization to the header in the STEP file. Enter the organization name or other information.


Adds a description to the header in the STEP file. Enter an appropriate description.