In this section, you review a multi-body part model and start a new mold design assembly.
On the ribbon, click Get Started tab Launch panel Projects.
Navigate to the mold tutorials folder and select Mold.ipj.
Click Open.
Click Configure Content Center Libraries.
Make sure that the Inventor Mold libraries are selected.
Click OK to exit the Configure Libraries dialog box, and then click Save and Apply to activate the project if necessary.
Click Done to close the Projects dialog box.
On the ribbon, click Get Started tabLaunch panel Open.
Navigate to the Plastic Parts and Features directory and open PFTutorial_complete.ipt. It is the part created in the plastic and multi-body tutorial.
Expand the Solid Bodies node in the Model browser and notice that this part was modeled using four separate solid bodies. Select each solid body in the Model browser to highlight them on the screen.
Leave the model open without changing anything. In later topics, you return to this window to work with the model.
On the Quick Access toolbar, click New to start a new file.
Click the Metric folder in the Create New File dialog box, click Mold Design (mm).iam, and then click Create.
In the Create Mold Design dialog box, name the file Tooling_Fix.iam. Click OK to accept the default file location. The Mold Design environment is now available.