Edit Bolted Connection

  1. In the browser, double-click the Spindle component to edit it.
  2. Click the Parameters command located on the Manage tab, and then change the value for d4 to 20 mm.
  3. Click Done in the Parameters dialog box.
  4. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Return to return to the assembly.

    Notice that an update icon appears in the browser next to Bolted Connection:1. The bolt is not long enough to make the connection and requires an update.

  5. In the browser, right-click Bolted Connection:1, and then select Edit using Design Accelerator.

    The bolted connection generator automatically previews the next available size contained in the Content Center. The preview lasts long enough to pass through the bolted components, the nut, and washers.

  6. Click OK.
  7. In the graphics window, right-click the cap screw contained in Bolted Connection:2, and then select Edit using Design Accelerator.

    Both the cap screw and the blind hole have grip handles. You can zoom in to see the grips.

  8. Drag the upper grip handle to change the length of the cap screw.

    Notice that the cap screw preview snaps to the next available length contained in the available Content Center libraries. In this example, the next available length is 20 mm.

    Notice also that the description text for the cap screw in the generator dialog box updates immediately as you resize the cap screw.

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