Create a Vented Opening Using Grill

In the next section, we create a vented opening called a Grill.

  1. In the Solid Bodies folder, make sure the visibility of the bottom solid and the embossed solid is off. Make the large top solid visible.
    Note: If you turn off the visibility of bodies, Inventor does not include them in a feature operation.
  2. Turn on the visibility of the Grill Sketch in the browser.
  3. On the 3D Model tab, Plastic Part panel, click the Grill command.
  4. On the grill sketch, select the large outer ellipse to satisfy the Profile selection in the Boundary tab. Accept the default settings for size.
  5. Select the Island tab and then select the small center ellipse to satisfy the Profile selection. Accept the default of 0-mm.
  6. Select the Rib tab and then select all the remaining line geometry to satisfy the rib selection. Accept the size defaults.
  7. Click OK to create the grill.
  8. Turn on the visibility of all bodies.
  9. Save the file.

Congratulations, you have completed the Spline and Surfaces tutorial.

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