Hole and thread notes

Use Hole and Thread to add a hole or thread note with a leader line. The default format and content of the note are determined by the settings on the Notes and Leaders tab in the associated dimension style of the hole note.

When you add hole notes to a drawing view, the diameter, depth, thread dimensions, and other data from the model are used in the note. If hole features are changed in the model, the hole notes update when the drawing is updated.

If a view update removes a circular edge that the note is attached to, it reattaches to the outermost circular edge of the hole feature. In a side view, the note reattaches to the nearest edge to the original attachment point.

In addition to individual holes, a hole note can be added to extruded cuts (except midplane extrusions), and holes in iFeatures, patterns, and sheet metal flat patterns.


Linear dimension thread notes in side views

You must select a valid pair of thread edges to define a linear dimension thread note.

The appearance of linear dimension thread notes is determined by default style for linear dimensions.

Setting the format for hole notes

The default format and content of hole notes is controlled by the hole note's associated dimension style. On the Notes and Leaders tab of the dimension style, define hole note formats for each hole and thread type before you start working on a drawing.

Overriding the format for a hole note

You can control format, content, and other attributes of an individual hole note one of these ways:

Replacing a hole note with text

You can hide the contents of an individual hole note and replace it with text that is associated to the drawing view.

Dual dimension units in hole notes

Hole notes can display dimension values in alternate units. The dual units display is set on the Alternate Units tab of the dimension style. You select a stacked or linear display format for dual unit dimensions.

Note: If a dual unit format is selected, precision and tolerance values are also displayed in the dual format.