Create single point rip

Use the Rip command to create a gap in a sheet metal part created using closed profile sketches to allow flattening. The Single Point Rip Type requires selection of a model face and an existing point to define the Rip location. The point you select may be a work point, a midpoint on an edge, an endpoint on a face vertex, or a sketched point from a previously created sketch.

  1. On the ribbon, click Sheet Metal tab Modify panel Rip .
  2. On the Rip dialog box, select Single Point from the Rip Type drop-down.
  3. In the graphics window, select the face of the sheet metal model to rip.
  4. In the graphics window, select the point that defines the rip location.
  5. On the Rip dialog box, optionally enter a value that differs from GapSize for the Rip Gap Value.
  6. Optionally, specify the Rip gap to be on the selected point or offset to the right or left.
  7. Click OK to create the Rip and close the dialog box. Optionally, click Apply to create the Rip and leave the dialog box open to create additional Rip features.
Note: Click Cancel at anytime to discard any input and close the dialog box.