Select Gear Options

  1. Within the Common area of the Design tab, select the Module option from the Design Guide drop-down menu. The selected option indicates what the design and calculation is based on. In this tutorial, we select the Module option.
  2. Click the More Options command located in the lower-right corner of the Design tab for additional options for spur gears.
  3. On the Size Type group box, select Module.

    If you design spur gears in a metric assembly, the generator selects the Module option by default. If you design spur gears using English units, the generator selects the Diametral Pitch option.

  4. In the Input Type area, select the Number of Teeth option. In this case, the number of teeth is an input parameter.
  5. In this tutorial, you insert one feature and one component. Select Feature from the drop-down menu in the Gear 1 group box. The first gear is inserted as a feature of the shaft in the assembly.
  6. Select Component from the drop-down menu in the Gear 2 group box. The second gear is inserted as a new part.
    Note: Alternatively, you can select the No Model option to insert a calculation without a component or feature.
    Note: If you insert features, you cannot use Motion for your gears to rotate them. It is possible only if you insert two components.

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