Using the Output Grapher

The Output Grapher is the means to examine a variety of results from the simulation. The following list describes some of the things you can do after running a simulation:

  1. After running the simulation, but before leaving the run environment, on the ribbon click Dynamic Simulation tab Results panel Output Grapher .

    The Output Grapher is divided into different sections: browser, graph, and time steps. Commands specific to Output Grapher are located on a toolbar across the top of the window. The window is resizable, so adjust it to meet your needs.

  2. In the browser of the Dynamic Simulation - Output Grapher window, expand the Standard Joints node. Then, expand the Revolution:2 node.
  3. Under the Revolution:2 node, expand the Driving force node. Check the box next to U_imposed[1]. You will see the force displayed in the graph region.
  4. Expand the Prismatic:3 node.
  5. Expand the Velocities node, and check V[1]. The velocity is presented in the graph with the driving force.
  6. Close the Output Grapher window.

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