Assign Reference Designators to Each Occurrence

Now that the harness assembly is added, set a reference designator for each electrical part occurrence. The reference designators are specific to the harness assembly.

  1. In the browser, right-click part 360124 and select Harness Properties.
  2. On the Part Properties dialog box, set a RefDes of U3 for the occurrence, and click OK.
  3. Set a RefDes of U7 for part 360575:1.
  4. Set a RefDes of U8 for part 360575:2.
  5. In the browser, expand the PCB subassembly to locate part LTP, and set a RefDes of J12.
Note: The unique values override the generic RefDes placeholders at the occurrence level. The designators are specific to the harness assembly. If you create additional harness assemblies, you can follow the same steps, but use different designators.

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