In a project file, search paths point to file locations where components associated with a project are stored.
When the program searches for a file, it looks in the file locations in a project file. To avoid file resolution problems:
Some legacy projects contain nested paths, or multiple workgroups or workspaces. In the Project Editor, the nested paths display in red to remind you that they sometimes cause resolution problems.
Avoid nesting search paths, and define only one workgroup or workspace for a project.
In Design Assistant, you can search for all files that reference a specified file.
For example, if a part file is used in multiple assemblies, you can view a list of all assemblies.
Where Used search returns only first-level references. For example, if you create a drawing of an assembly, the search recognizes that the drawing references the assembly. It does not recognize drawing references the components.
You can search for specific objects, such as constraints, components, features, sketches, and welds in all Autodesk Inventor file types. You can refine your searches by including additional criteria such as and/or operators, properties, conditions, and values. You can specify the location in which you want to search.
Find is useful to locate sick constraints, suppressed components or features, sketch parameter names or values, or references, and any other combination of criteria you select.
You can include the search path to another project file in the selected project. An included project is often a master workgroup project on the network. Using this method, you can access all file locations from the included file.
A personal workspace created in a project is where you create and edit files, and is accessible only by you. In a shared environment, others can see your changes only after you check them back in to the Vault, and they refresh or reload the files.
In most cases, when you create a project, the workspace is already created for you by the Project wizard. The default location is at the root level (where the project file is located).
You use a separate project file for each project, and locate the files specific to that project in the workspace folder, including the project file. Then you can copy the entire project folder back and forth between your local disk and the shared server. If you have sufficient space, you can also copy the necessary or frequently used libraries to your computer. Use Pack and Go to create a local copy of the libraries that contain only the library files referenced from your project.
Avoid the use of Workgroups altogether where possible.
The number of workgroup search paths defined affects the time it takes to search. If your environment requires the use of Workgroups, limit the number as much as possible.
A workgroup comprises the shared network locations where Autodesk Inventor searches for nonlibrary files. The workgroup designates the master storage location for data files for both shared and semi-isolated projects, but not single user projects.
Each project has only one workgroup. When you create a shared or semi-isolated master project, a workgroup is automatically designated.
A library is a storage location for read-only files that are referenced. You cannot edit the files in a location that you specify as a library, but you can reference them.
You can specify paths to standard and custom libraries of read-only files for a project. Each project can have multiple libraries.
Libraries for iParts require two folders: one for the iPart factory file and one for a corresponding proxy file that contains linking information. The folder names are the same except that the proxy folder has a leading underscore character (such as iParts and _iParts). Do not make iPart proxy libraries read-only, because the factory has to create new files there.
To reference a location on a server or remote workstation, use a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path (such as: \\server_name\our_folders). Ensure that our_folder is shared with everyone who accesses the project location.
Avoid using different drive mappings or different UNC paths to the same file. In the Open and Place Component dialog boxes, you can navigate using arbitrary UNC paths to network locations. Avoid using this general capability. Instead use only the project shortcuts in those dialog boxes to the folders in your project.
Remove any mapped drives that no longer exist.