Defines searches for constraints, components, features, sketches, and welds. When you search for an object, all the browser nodes that contain searched objects expand to make selections more visible.
In Design Assistant, click Tools Find, and on the menu, click Autodesk Inventor Files.
In the Autodesk Inventor Open dialog box, click Find.
With a file active, on the ribbon, Tools tab Find panel , click Find Component , or on the browser menu bar, click the binoculars icon.
On the Windows Start menu, click Search For Files or Folders
Autodesk Inventor Files.
Lists the active search criteria.
Defines the type of object to search for.
Opens a list of previously saved searches so that you can reuse criteria for the current search.
Opens the Save Search dialog box so that you can save the current search for reuse. Enter a unique name for the search.
When selected, causes the search to observe the capitalization you use in the search criteria.
Removes the selected search criterion from the list.
Removes all items from the list of search criteria.
Sets up search criteria that you can add to the current search.
Property Specifies a file property as the criterion. The Find command adjusts the listed properties to the active environment. The list of properties adjusts to the selected object type. For example:
Assembly and Weldment environment
Components, constraints, features, sketches, and welds
Part environment
Features and sketches
File: Open dialog box, Design Assistant, or Windows Search
File types (.ipt, .iam, .idw, .dwg (Autodesk Inventor Drawing), .ide, .ipn)
Click the arrow and select from the list, or enter the name of a custom property.
Condition Sets the condition for the specified property value. Select from the list.
Value Specifies the value of the selected property. After you set the property and condition, enter a value.
Add To List Adds the defined criterion to the list of search criteria.
Limits the search to the files in the specified folder.
Sets the folder or file to search. Click Browse to find the desired search location.
Searches the target location for files that meet the specified criteria. The results display in the Files Found dialog box. To save the list to a text file, click Save List , and specify a file name.