- On the ribbon, click
Flat Pattern tab
Manage panel
Bend Order Annotation
. The Bend Order glyphs appear.
- Right-mouse click and select Directed Reorder from the context menu.
- Click the Bend Order glyph to number 1 in the sequence.
- Click a Bend Order glyph that terminates the resequence. An algorithm traverses the face between the first and second selections and renumbers the Bend Order glyphs in sequence. Bends not selected are adjusted in the sequence.
- When the bend sequence is acceptable, right-mouse click and select Done from the context menu (or click Esc). The Bend Order Annotation command is still active and any glyph selections displays the Bend Order Edit dialog box, allowing an individual override.
- When you have completed edits to the bend order sequence, right-mouse click and select Finish Bend Order from the context menu (or click Esc). All Bend Order glyphs are removed from display.
If the selected start glyph is in an edited state, the start bend order number does not changed and its state remains as edited. All the bend centerlines encountered along the traversal from the start to end positions, including the end glyph, are set to be edited during the process.