- Set your active project to tutorial_files.
- Click Get Started tabLaunch panelOpen on the ribbon. Select Sliding-pin Hanger.ipt from the file list in the Open dialog box.
- Click Open.
- The Sliding-pin Hanger sketch profile appears in the isometric Home View (isometric orientation) as shown. Press F6 to restore the Home View if your view is different from the image.
Take a moment to study the Model browser at the left side of the graphics window. It displays both the part origin and the sole feature in the part, Sketch1. Click the + button to the left of the Origin folder name to expand the item. Notice that the center point of the part (X=0, Y=0, Z=0), the origin planes, and origin axes are displayed in the browser. Each of the browser elements highlights in the graphics window as you move your cursor over them.
Note: The Origin elements appear dimmed in the browser. Although their visibility is turned off by default, they are still active. You can turn on the visibility by right-clicking over any one of them and activating the corresponding Visibility check box in the pop-up context menu. It is not necessary to turn them on for this exercise, however.
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