Create and modify tube and pipe runs assembly templates

All new master runs assemblies are created with the piping runs.iam template. You can add custom tube and pipe settings, and then save the master runs assembly file as the new template in the location specified for the project.

The following workflow describes how you create a new master runs assembly template in the current version of Autodesk Inventor Tube & Pipe.

  1. Create a blank standard Autodesk Inventor assembly from an assembly template you need.
  2. Save the file.
  3. On the ribbon, click Assemble tab Begin panel Tube and Pipe .

    The Create Tube & Pipe Run dialog box is displayed.

  4. Accept the default settings and click OK to close the dialog box.

    The master runs assembly is automatically created with the first run, Run01. The run environment is activated.

  5. Do any of the following to add custom tube and pipe settings:
    • On the ribbon, Pipe Run tab Manage panel Tube and Pipe Styles . Create, modify, or import tube and pipe styles.
    • With the top assembly active, right-click Tube & Pipe Runs and select Tube & Pipe Settings. Specify the appropriate global settings, such as Prompt for Conduit File Names. Note that not all the global settings really take effect for future use, such as Defer all Tube & Pipe Updates and Use R9 Bill of Materials.
  6. With the master runs assembly active, right-click Run01 and select Delete Run. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
  7. Activate the top-level assembly.
  8. Save the file
  9. In the graphics window right-click and select Generate Tube & Pipe Template.

    The piping runs.iam file is created in the template directory along with a backup of the original template. The file name for the backup is piping runs-old(1).iam where 1 is an incremented number starting with 1.

  10. Click OK to confirm the successful creation of the template and the template location.