Publish bill of materials data

When your assembly file has enabled bill of materials data, you can publish them. Only the top-level assembly bill of materials publishes to the DWF file. The bill of materials for subassemblies does not publish.

The content of Model Data tab does not publish. To publish content from the Structured BOM tab or the Parts Only tab, enable the BOM View. If either the Structured BOM or the Parts-only BOM options are disabled, you cannot publish the disabled Bill of Materials view to the DWF file.

If you exclude properties on components during publish, then the Bill of Materials table does not display the property in the table in the DWF file. The column name appears in the BOM table but the cell contents are empty.

The content and display of the Bill of Materials is identical in the DWF file.

Publish bill of materials to DWF format

  1. On the ribbon, click Assemble tab Manage panel Bill of Materials .
  2. In the Bill of Materials dialog box, enable the BOM view in Structured or Parts Only tabs. According to which tab you enabled, the publish BOM options are selected in the Publish Assembly dialog box. Click Done.
  3. Click Export Export to DWF. Publish Assembly dialog box appears.
  4. In the Publish Assembly dialog box:
    • Select the Express option to publish the current view of the document. Does not publish bill of materials data.
    • Select the Complete option to publish the full content of the file. Publishes all bill of materials data.
    • Select the Custom option to display the Assembly tab where you can select what bill of materials data to publish.
  5. Click Publish to continue. The Publish Document to DWF dialog box opens to specify the DWF file name and directory.
    Note: Click Options to return to the Publish dialog box.
  6. Click Save to generate the DWF file.
Note: If the assembly contains no parts, the DWF file contains the assembly with no part. In this case no BOM is in the contents pane of the Design Review. The graphics pane is empty.

Publish assembly file with disabled BOM Views

If you disable BOM View in the Structure and Parts Only tabs in the Bill of Material dialog box, and publish the assembly, the DWF file contains the assembly and all its components. No Bill of Materials is present in the contents browser.