Author the 90-degree elbow iPart

  1. Open the 90LongEelbow.ipt iPart file. Use the View Cube or the Orbit to adjust the viewpoint to approximate the following image.
  2. Switch on the Visibility of all part work axes and points. Select Work Point 1 and 2, and Work Axis 1 and 2 in the Model browser, right-click and select Visibility.
  3. On the ribbon, click Manage tab Author panel Tube and Pipe .
  4. On the Tube & Pipe Authoring dialog box, specify:

    Type:  Elbows

    Connections:  2

  5. Click Connection Number 1 and set the following attributes:

    End Treatment:  Welded

    Parameter and Table Mapping:  Nominal Size: NPS

    Connection Point and Connection Axis:  Select Work Point 1 and Work Axis 1

    Connection:  Female


    Max: Distance:  0 inch

    Min % of Max:  0

  6. Click Connection Number 2, and set the same attributes as for Connection Number 1 with the following exception: Select Work Point 2 as Connection Point and Work Axis 2 Connection Axis.
  7. Specify the following ISOGEN properties:

    Type:  ELBOW

    SKey:  ELBW - Elbow - Butt Weld (90 degree and 45 degree)

    ITEM-CODE: 90 45 LLR

    Description: ELBOW 90 45 DEGREE BW ASTM A043 WPF316 SCH.40

  8. Review all values for Connection 1 and 2, and then click OK to close the Tube & Pipe Authoring dialog box.
  9. On the Authoring Result dialog box, click OK.
  10. Save the authored 90-degree elbow iPart, and close the part file.

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