Task progress dialog box

Reports the progress of either a task that is running, or the preprocessing steps required before the task begins

At the top of the progress bar, the name of the file currently in process displays.

When a task begins to run, the progress bar displays.


The task is scheduled, but is not currently running.
The progress bar changes to a path field and shows the file currently in preprocess. When the required preprocessing is complete, the task runs and the progress bar refers to the task.
Percent Complete
Indicates the percentage of complete files in the task. Does not refer to the termination time of the task.
The task is paused.
The task is stopped.
Complete - errors
Errors were encountered and noted. A red cross denotes a situation that must be corrected to make the task successful. The log messaging explains the reason for failure.
Complete - successful
The task completed successfully. A green icon denotes no errors were encountered.
Successful files
Displays a running count of the files processed successfully during the task.
Failed files
Displays a running count of the files that fail during the task process.