Recognize Revit Features Overview

Feature Recognition allows you to find segments of model geometry and convert them into a set of native modeling options included in Autodesk Revit. There are also options that allow the automatic discovery of this geometry along with the removal or fine tuning of certain details and faces. This functionality is similar to that of creating the Shrinkwrap Substitute by removing detailed pieces of information.

The purpose of recognizing the geometry that Autodesk Revit will be able to utilize and see is so that once translated into a BIM it will be possible to add further constraints as well as information that could then be utilized downstream in a BIM project.


Use the following tools to generate simplified representation that Revit will understand.

  1. Open a simplified part (.ipt). Click on the BIM tab.
  2. Select Check Revit Features. This verifies geometry that is ready for export and is still in a form that Revit will not understand.
  3. If the Feature Check Report displays any Failures, return to the BIM tab and select BIM Feature Recognize tool. If the Feature Check Report returns no failures select the BIM Exchange tool.
  4. Select Recognize Revit Features and specify whether you want to preserve the Inventor features already recognized by Revit or whether you want to convert them back to base solids, and then select OK to continue.

    If you choose to preserve the Inventor features already recognized by Revit, these features will be saved and hidden as you continue to recognize Revit features from the remaining base solid geometry.

    If you choose to convert Inventor features already recognized by Revit back to base solids you will no longer have any features that are recognized by Revit. Choose this option if you need to start over. For example, if you have created Inventor features and are having difficulty getting them translated to Revit (for example, Check Revit Features reports errors), you can create a base solid and recognize new Revit features.

  5. On the BIM Recognize Revit Features contextual tab select Fill Voids to remove any excess faces and to create solid geometry. Revit very rarely utilizes the internal areas of geometry
  6. Next use the Recognize tools to select the different types of modeling features.

Click here to view the full step by step workflow for creating a friendly RVT model.