Mold Base

Provides the tools to crate a mold base.

  On the Mold Assembly tab, click Mold Base.

Mold Base dialog box

Vendor and Type

Specifies the vendor and type of the mold base.


Sets the size of standard mold base. The value is the length of the standard mold base multiplied by the width.


Controls whether to set the current mold base as a customized mold base, or a standard mold base.

Placement Ref Point

Specifies a point or an edge to define the placement of the mold base in the main assembly.

Core Pocket Depth

Defines the distance between the XY plane of the mold base assembly and the bottom face of the layout. Alternatively, clear the check box to use the value the software calculates based on prior entries.

Rotate Mold Base

Rotates the mold base along the Z axis.

Core Cavity Plate Clearance

Defines the clearance between the fixed half and the moveable half.

Front View

Displays the front dynamic preview of the mold base.

Top View

Displays the top dynamic preview of the mold base.

Import and Export Configuration
Import Configuration

Imports an existing template.

Export Configuration

Exports the current setting as a template.

Component List

Lists all the mold plates and standard components. You can add, move, or delete components in the customized mold base.

Position dialog box

X Direction

Defines how many elements to create in the X direction.

Y Direction

Defines how many elements to create in the Y direction.

Defines the distance between two elements in the X or Y direction.


Sets the distance between two abutting elements.


Sets the distance between the first element and the last element.

Add Pattern Data

Adds elements that are defined on the Pattern tab into the list box in the Custom tab. The button activates when the data setting in the Pattern tab is different from the default setting.

List box

Shows the XY coordinate values of all elements. Click Delete to delete a value.

Mold Plate Property dialog box

Part Dimensions

Defines the width, length, and height of the mold plate.

Preview Options

Specifies the display color of the mold plate in the dynamic preview.


Sets the display transparency of the mold plate in the dynamic preview. Drag the slider to modify the display transparency.

Plate Property
Use Plate As

Defines the property of the mold plate.

File Name

Defines the file name of the mold plate.

Part Number

Defines the part number of the mold plate.

Standard Component Property dialog box

Part Dimensions

Defines the dimensions of the standard component.

Hole Dimensions

Defines the dimensions of the hole to trim by the standard component.

Input Manually

Specifies whether you can modify all dimensions. If the check box is cleared, some parameters are preset and you cannot change them.

Preview Options

Specifies the display color of the mold plate in the dynamic preview.


Sets the display transparency of the mold plate in the dynamic preview. Drag the slider to modify the display transparency.


Specifies the Z direction of the standard component.


Creates a blind hole for the component.


Creates a through hole for the component.

Add a spring washer

Adds a spring washer that you select in the Type drop-down list.