Prepare to Animate a Constraint

  1. In the browser, expand Animations. Notice that Animation1 is active. You will define the characteristics and behavior of this animation.
    Note: By right-clicking the Animations node, you can create and name additional animations within an assembly file (not required in this tutorial).
  2. Click Render tab Animate panel Constraints
  3. Next, select a constraint to animate. In the browser, expand the PINION SHAFT component node, and then select the constraint named Angle SHAFT TURN (180.00 deg).
  4. To enable the handle to rotate and move the pinion shaft, we must specify a value for the constraint and a time range over which the value change occurs. In the Action section of the Animate Constraints dialog box, select the value in the End field and replace it with a value of 0 deg.

In the next lesson, you will specify the time range.

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